Sunday, January 19

To own a book..

Just visited The Little Prince Cafe right here in Singapore...

There are so many different versions of the book within the small shop itself and was reminded that i still do not own a copy of one of my favourite books..

But already i do not like buying books, especially if i already read them... and although i do want to own a copy of it, i realise i am somehow waiting to chance upon a perfect/right copy... (like choosing The One huh)

Well... i have decided... and this post is a reminder to self. I will only buy The Little Prince book if it:

  • comes in both Chinese and English within the same book or set
  • has coloured pictures
  • contains beautiful drawings (which will probably mean not those drawn by St Exupery himself)
  • printed in appealing font
  • published in gorgeous finishing (preferably in a case?!)

i am so setting myself up for failure.....