Saturday, December 31

Taking the plunge

*This blog has been silent for more than 2 years! Coincidentally, this post is related to a Facebook post I put up almost exactly 2 years ago.. interesting.. well technically I have been writing a lot in the past 2 years despite the silence here... assignments for a Masters in Science Communication got to count for something!*

2016 did not start on a good note and throughout the year there seemed to be endless shocking news coming from all over the world. But it had been surprisingly kind to me... in fact, if I recount my accomplishments for the year, I can come up with a sizeable list!

  1. I survived SSS (despite the initial despair)
  2. I sky dived!
  3. I completed my Masters
  4. I achieved the Spartan Trifecta
  5. I bought a place of my own
  6. I did white water rafting
  7. I resisted temptation and not made the same mistake
But most importantly, I had been kind and I loved

However, there was one symbolic act that really stood out for me this year which took place just a few days ago......

I used to really love swimming.. so much so that I got so tanned that ah ma called me hei zhen zhu or Black Pearl. Yet, somehow over the years, pool water became too cold for me to swim in. I blame diving which pampered me with full body suits. Unless it is a heated pool or the weather and temperature are unbearably hot, I found the direct contact between my bikini-clad body and any body of water impossible.. =(

Then in Dec 2014, I read somewhere (note to self to always credit sources!) of the following anecdote:
I shared it on Facebook as a reminder to self to do the same. Took me 2 years to actually realise it.

So a few days ago, I woke up and decided to go for a swim. I hesitated because the sun was not yet strong or bright but I remembered the story and went ahead to put on my swimming suit and proceeded to the pool. I did not test the water. I just dove right in. Although it was cold but it also really felt "lovely". =) (And I completed 10 laps!)

This single act signified to me that I am capable of overcoming a self-imposed barrier; that nothing is impossible or unachievable; it made me believe in myself and my greatness more. This reminds me of a quote from someone who says nobody benefits from your being small. I don't want to be small anymore.. I want to develop to MY full potential.

2017 can only be better =