Sunday, December 13

Who Made This Year More Bearable

Actually other than various minor inconveniences, I wouldn't categorize the year to be unbearable. But I am so thankful that the one person who I was stuck with during circuit breaker is this one. 

He is my smartie who is also playful yet giving. 

It is so true that when you marry the right one, everyday can be Valentine's Day. Even when confined within four walls. 

So true that it is the little things that make the biggest difference, like bringing me my hot lemon water first thing in the morning, turning on the heater before I get home, and indulging me with our silly winkie routine every single time.  

4 years ago, during a course titled "Growing from Within", I penned down a list of wants and dreams. We were told to be as descriptive and specific as possible. One thing I wrote down was to be able to wake up to the face of a special someone who will bring a smile to my face (I believe I even mentioned luxurious bedsheets and glorious sunlight). The fact that I am in fact living my dream makes everything, anything bearable. 

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