Sunday, December 30

my kind of place

i knew i wanted to write this particular post about 2 weeks back, at a pretty precise moment and i thought i would title it "my favourite moment".. this particular title, "my kind of place" is borrowed from a book i am currently reading: the wisdom of sam by daniel gottlieb.

i picked up his first book entirely by chance and instantly felt a connection to this author. much of what he wrote resonated within me and it just so happens that his grandson is autistic and he wrote 2 other books for him, about him, this particular angel who fell from heaven. i bought both books.

when sam mused about his kind of place, he wasnt in disneyland, he wasnt in a candy shop or the best playground in the world, he was lying in a huge pile of leaves that his dad had just raked on an autumn day. he was just appreciating the place he occupied at that moment to be his kind of place, right where he belongs.

2 weeks ago, i was in nepal, a country to visit on my bucket list, trekking at about 2500 m above sea level in the annapurna region. part of a group of about 20, i had somehow lagged behind the faster group and was far ahead of the slower group and became quite alone along the trail.

as the weather was cold, i really relished the sunlight and decided to stop and rest in a spot of pure warmth. and when i did, i started to notice not just the warmth, but also the soft breeze. the birds chirped, the leaves rustled and i realised once again how gorgeous the snow-capped mountains were on the horizon, it was magical. it really was my favourite moment of an incredible trip to a beautiful country.

it was then i also realised although i had come to this country to escape hustle and bustle, only moments before i had been so preoccupied with my bag, my poles, my route, my group mates that i had forgotten to be present in the moment...

i have been practicing to be present and aware for some years now and even then i still forget sometimes. i think that is what mr gottlieb means by finding or i should say being in your kind of place, all the time. it's a whole lot easier when you are in an enchanting place such as nepal and i am still learning to be okay and make it my kind of place when things are not going well and i am feeling hurt, pain or anger...

2012 is coming to an end and personally it had been great! in fact, this is the best december in many years.. so much to be thankful for.. =)

in 2013, i want to keep on practicing to be present, to volunteer more, to still give my best in my current school, to step bravely into the unknown after that and to always be kind in words and in deeds.

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