Friday, December 21

The new beginning

i used to have a blog. updated it fairly regularly for many years until friendster unceremoniously destroyed it with just one warning. i was devastated. it contained so much memories, both good and bad. it was like a diary, a very public one. i was too distraught to restart another. that was 2 years ago.

recently, thoughts of starting another blog kept coming up. it just isnt enough to write "notes" on facebook anymore. and as an english teacher, i had been reminded time and again that blogs are excellent teaching tools. well, if i'm going to, it got to be on a special day and what is more special than "the day the world ends"?!

i do not believe that at all. the rumor came about because it's the day the mayan calender ends but that signifies a new beginning! a shift into a higher level of consciousness, into the age of aquarius, my star sign!! it just is ridiculous to believe the world will cease to exist. and i think is wonderful to be able to expect more positive changes.. i always choose happiness! and it starts by being present.

so how did the odd title come about? i have always love clouds. they are just beautiful to look at. they change right before your eyes. they remind me that god is amazing. and they are omnipresent reminders that change is the only constant. so i knew i want the theme of my blog to be on clouds, the ever changing clouds..

then i was just "urged" to use one of my favorite websites and i came up with this list! quite an interesting list (caged convulsing her? canceled shoving rug?) but the 3 words that called to me are just these "chanced loves urging

i believe in chance. i believe everything happens for a reason. and if i am able to see that link between what happened and why it happened, i always want to share it. what i see may not be accurate or true but well it's up to my interpretation! be it chanced upon person, animal, plant or cloud, i want to be open to possibilities.

i believe in love. all kinds of love. for people, for strangers, for animals, for mankind, for flora and fauna, for mother earth.. i always wondered if it has to do with my birthday.. and i have lots of loves. cats, elephants, clouds, dance, children, music.... i am sure you will catch on if you read on.

urging. sounds weird right.. but it immediately reminded me of a chinese song by wang lee hom (another love) 若一开始没有上帝暗中偷偷的怂恿我们怎知选择相逢 such magical lyrics.. another reminder that it's all predestined, love is predestined.. also, i think it is reminding me to listen to that voice within.. to do what my heart wants to.

lastly, i think this new blog will be featuring a lot on a special group of people whom i will be interacting a lot with in the near future. really excited about that =) these fallen angels are so going to be a spark in my life.

i hope reading my blog will bring a spark to yours.. ;)

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