Friday, October 31


Sharing my love for reading with the Pathlighters. Instead of my favourite book, shared the book i last read this month... The book left me a little emo for a few days which meant it is a really good book, at least to me..

If you go to Popular bookstore, you will find this book under the Young Adults section. This is actually a book I would not pick up because I am not part of the target audience and thus although it was published in 2012 and the movie came out this year, I only read it very recently and quite by chance. However, I am very glad I did as i thoroughly enjoyed it and finished it within days!

Personally, good books are ones that enable me to learn more about something new, or is so interesting that I just have to read another page, or when what i read strikes a chord within me, as if it is stating exactly how i once felt. TFIOS fulfilled all three. I learnt about cancer, I read past many midnights and it is filled with quotations which made me want to post on Facebook to share with my friends.
So today I am thankful for this chance to share my love for reading with all of you through some of the quotes and what i learnt from this particular book.

Importance of fiction. The main character, Hazel, has a favourite book in the story. Yes, a book within a book. With it, the theme of the value of fiction surfaces. It brings up the point that made up stories can matter, especially when it matches the reader’s own experiences. It can bring comfort, joy and companionship. Personally, I like it when reading brings me into a different world that I can escape to and learn from. And like this quote, I often cannot find words for my thoughts and feelings but in books i sometimes find the answers i seek.

The theme of suffering. The story is basically about teenagers dying from cancer. It is a little bleak. It is not just physical pain but also emotional pain, hurt. The physical pain from suffering from a disease and the emotional hurt for being a human with feelings. Although it is not pleasant, it is a part of life. Like death is a part of life and how we all have to learn to accept it and through this suffering we can grow. And when we learn to accept it, we can truly appreciate joy.

Love. It is essentially a love story between two youngsters. How romantic love at that stage of life can be reckless yet sweet. But there is also the love from parents, family and friends. The extent to which one is willing to sacrifice for a loved one, be it a friend, a child or a partner, can be extraordinary. Hazel described herself as a grenade because she was loved despite her terminal illness. From this, I am reminded to always cherish our loved ones while we still can.

Fate. Insensitivity of the universe. The reality is we do not always get what we want; we often do not see our wishes and dreams come true. And it is not that the world is against us, it is just the way life is. We are all in fact very insignificant compared to the universe and have no control over what happens to us. But one thing i learnt is that we certainly can decide how we want to respond and that responding positively and kindly will always be the right choice. even when the world refuses to grant us our most desired wishes.

So, this is the book I last read. It certainly will not be the last book I ever read. As I said at the beginning i am really glad i picked it up and am pleasantly surprised by it. I want to encourage all of you to pick up reading. It can be this book, can be the nearest book near you, or a book that catches your eye in the newest library of Singapore but read. There are much treasures within one. Leaving you with one last quote from the book, hoping that you will get to feel that way some time.
Thank you!

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