Thursday, February 14


Hashtags.. I caught on pretty late.. in fact I am resolutely refusing to open an Instagram account.. thankfully these gems work on facebook too... quite amazed by the extend of its usability.. thank you Chris Messina!

This particular hashtag I came up with is of course for my upcoming wedding.. was playing around with various configurations of our names while designing my "save the date" announcement when

 I noticed the ring and heart linking our names formed a word - love! awwwww.....

Can you blame me for my preoccupation with the word given my birthday? In a very mushy and cliche way, I really think love is the answer to everything. =P Perhaps not so much on this blog but many if not majority of my longer Facebook posts revolve around this theme and its relevance and necessity.. even my Whatsapp status is on it! Despite my preoccupation with it, I still find myself lacking it sometimes, often towards the people closest to me... *oops*

Anyway, back to my wedding hashtag.. so it has both our first names and the noun "love". It is not the verb, it doesn't say "axel-loves-eunice". Yes the wedding is mainly about us but I realise it is also the perfect opportunity to spread more love in our world. Not just romantic love, but any kind of love - between family, friends, acquaintances, even strangers! I don't think we can ever have too much love, especially not now in the current world climate and situation.. Let's not forget self-love too, major changes come about starting from the individual..

If you have read this far, I invite you to really put this hashtag to "good" use. rather than only using it to hashtag the photos taken on our wedding day (of course you should still do that! Take lots of photos and hashtag #AXELOVEUNICE away on that day!), consider performing a random act of kindness today and tweet, instagram or facebook post about it (include a photo if possible) and add this hashtag.. I think it will be lovely for not just me but even for you to look back on the good deed (hopefully many good deeds from all my guests!) in the future.. =)

They may be called random acts of kindness but I believe kindness connects us in a profound way and such acts is a demonstration of love; it shows the person on the receiving end that he or she is worthy of love. Do you know that such acts when you receive nothing in return is very good for you, the giver, too? Read my mini blog post on the Science of Kindness to get some scientifically proven facts. ;)

Considering my guest list, I think this little request of mine should be no problem for all of you kindhearted people. Perhaps it is just sharing and tagging some thing you do everyday already! But I want to hear about it and the world can do with more of such feel-good stories!! If you need some ideas, here is a list I complied from various websites (click on the links included!):
  1. smile at someone on the street 
  2. give a genuine compliment 
  3. post positive notes on the fridge in the pantry 
  4. donate blood
  5. give up your seat on the bus or MRT
  6. share your umbrella on a rainy day
  7. pay for an extra coffee or meal
  8. offer help to someone who looks lost
  9. hold the door/elevator open
  10. pick up trash or try plogging
  11. if you spill something at an eatery, wipe it up
  12. say thank you to a bus driver or cleaner
  13. let another car pass first or wave if someone lets you pass first
  14. hand out a cold drink to the delivery man or postman
  15. surprise the office with donuts
  16. start a fundraiser or a movement
  17. walk or run for a cause
  18. give the gift of time
  19. offer assistance to someone who needs help (my cousin is an excellent example)
  20. push someone's wheelchair (did this at Bishan MRT on a mini upslope!)
I hope you have loads of fun with this and if someone asks you about the act or hashtag, feel free to share my rationale but I am afraid I can't expand my guest list!

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