Wednesday, January 6

All the crafty things I did in 2020

I hope the first thing you thought of was nothing deceitful; I am referring to decorative stuff that I DIY!

I do not consider myself to be a creative person. To me, a truly creative artist innovates and produces something out of nothing with pure inspiration. I am not at all that way. Sometimes I really envy the artists I come across and drool over their artwork which seemed to come alive so effortlessly. I am a huge fan of My Modern Met!

That said, I am relatively good at copying, adapting and following the creative works of others which sometimes also produces some aesthetically pleasing pieces. At least in my eyes. 😛 In any case, I do enjoy art and crafts very very much. 

As mentioned previously, I started a BuJo in 2020 and I certainly poured most of my "creative" juice into it throughout the year. Pinterest had been an enormously helpful resource for many pages. I practised both faux calligraphy and brush calligraphy and small little doodles in odd spaces left blank within the pages. However, for the monthly covers, I really tried to plan and "perfect" them. So here is a look at all of them at a go!

Other than using it for my BuJo, Pinterest is also where I found inspiration for the following design I pencilled into this little concrete corner of our newly renovated kitchen! Although it is quite a hidden corner that you don't really notice the white patch but it just feels like the perfect spot to make a home for my non-existent pet rat.


Another favourite platform of mine is Canva. It is so user-friendly and the best thing is that it has such a treasure trove of templates!! Best for someone like me who is better at modifying than creating. So for the whole year of 2020, my friends received Canva-designed birthday "cards" from me. Hahaha... Besides birthday cards, I often fall back on Canva to create non-copyright version of images I want to use on this blog. Real lifesaver. Here is a sample of other stuff I made, including a work proposal, my birthday invitation and some cheer-up notes for migrant workers.

When Circuit Breaker started, the thought of having to stay home for long hours compelled me to purchase these Diamond Art sets online. I am pretty certain that I had been scammed as they turned out to be much smaller (and therefore blur images) than expected but at least they arrived instead of getting mysteriously lost after payment. However, the environmentally friendly me does not approve of the amount of plastic involved in the production of these sets. More microplastic getting into the stomachs of our fishes. 🙁




Finally, just before the year was done, I got down to completing this DIY zero waste craft that I was inspired to do. Upcycled an old and overused but perfectly sized chopping board after scouring through numerous suggestions on Pinterest and deciding on my own preferred design. So spoilt doorbell is now successfully replaced and it will never spoil again.. 😏

So what do you say? Am I creative? Or crafty?

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