Friday, April 30

What kind of books keep you up at night?

Been a while since I wrote a book review; Had done a few as an English Language teacher. Check out here and here. Wrote this one for NLB Book Review Challenge (200 words limit 😅) when I chanced upon it while reading the book. Really enjoyed this one. 💖 If you don't mind a preloved book, I can pass on the book to you! And just found out there is a TV movie based on the book!


"Photography is all about secrets. The secrets we all have and will never tell."

"You can't stop time. You can't capture light. You can only turn your face up and let it rain down."

"A moment was not a single moment at all, but rather an infinite number of different moments, depending on who was seeing things and how." 

The very first thing that drew me to this book was its cover. On hindsight, the beautiful imaginary of the transparent dress perfectly reflects the theme of the daughter who is present yet as good as invisible. I also agree with the idea of photography portrayed as a means of holding memories and find myself nodding along whenever this theme is explored. I especially love the author’s artistry in describing landscapes, scenes, moments, and even the emotions of the characters to the point of making them almost tangible. It had been a meditation like experience for me reading this book as it demands full attention to its vivid description and suspenseful plot. The book was set in the late 20th century and it is sad to note that the stigma attached to mental conditions and Down Syndrome had scarcely reduced since then. I can only hope that readers of the book may be positively impacted and better empathise with people having such conditions.

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