Monday, May 10


This poem was written in 1927. I was today years old to have the fortune of being acquainted with it. 

Well, the first thing I had to do (whenever I come across texts that speak right to my heart) is to write it out by hand. I enjoy practising my handwriting and the whole process allows me to think more thoroughly about what I am writing. My favourite portion is the last three paragraphs.

My immediate thought was I wished I knew it when I was younger, when it would have helped, when I really needed it. But I figured I would probably not had been mature enough then to glimpse the gems within. 

desiderata (noun, plural) - things that are desired, wanted, or needed

Yes, the younger me would not be able to see that those are the things that are truly desirable, blinded the way I was by peer pressure, social norms and my own monkey mind. ... Immensely thankful that I now have some wisdom to be able to appreciate this prose-poem.

May this sharing brings peace to your soul.

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