Monday, January 24

that gut feeling is actually intuition lah

Sunning my damp note

Last week after our tuition session, my tutee discovered that he had misplaced the fifty dollars note meant to be my payment. He became flustered as he most likely dropped it along the way from the drop-off point to where we were and come on who wouldn't pick up $50 off the ground!?

Anyway, I suggested retracing his steps to look for it although I agreed that the note was unlikely to be found anymore. We searched the path but I kept looking into the flower beds and off the path too as if there is a chance to still find it, it would be in an obscure place. 

He got more and more worried ("my dad is gonna kill me!") as we got closer to the end point. I, on the other hand, suddenly, very clearly, had "a very good feeling that we are going to find it". I remembered smiling to myself at that point and telling him so. 

We walked the last stretch to the drop-off point and he was pulling his hair out when I looked into the last drain that I intended to look and behold!! There it was!! I made him do all the dirty work to retrieve my payment. 😝 

So damp fifty dollars note in hand, I was musing on how once upon a time I was not even able to understand what people meant when they said they have a gut feeling about something. It was just inconceivable to my logical brain. And now I am today's years old that I can wholeheartedly believe a feeling that defies logic and plausibility! It felt bloody damn good to be proven right!

I thought it was a gut feeling that I had about finding the note but the more accurate term is actually intuition. Learnt quite a fair bit about the differences between the two but regardless what I call it, tuning in was never something I was good at. 

 When I first read Malcolm Gladwell's Blink,
I was simultaneously amazed and distraught. Amazed by how eloquently he put into words ideas that seemed impossible to explain and distraught that I was so very far from capitalising on my does-it-even-exist inner voice. 

Is it an age thing? Come to think of it, I can also remember one time I practically literally felt butterflies in the stomach, which will be closer to that gut feeling I supposed. Or another time I felt my heart turned cold. It is becoming more in tune with what is happening inside instead of having that drowned out by what is happening outside. 

Well, I like being able to trust my intuition 😏

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