Thursday, December 24

A Series That I Started Binge-Watching

Binge-watching is one activity that I consider dangerous and really won't recommend even though it is done in the comfort of your own home. Thus I disallowed myself to even get started on any series, especially when they appeal to me, like The Big Bang Theory. 

I'm quite nerdy and really like physics related topics so just the title itself piqued my interest but as explained above, I only watched my first episode of TBBT when most of them had already coupled up! But still I refused to start on the series and only enjoy snippets that happened to be on my feed.

Until my brother let me use his Netflix account.... 👉👈

It has become more dangerous than ever because you only need to start watching one and the subsequent episodes just continuously auto-play giving you no chance of even a toilet break! I don't even realize when I'm on the next season! 

Only on season 3 right now... but really enjoying it and laughing out loud with the hubby! Having taught people with autism, I often can anticipate Sheldon's responses correctly which make it even more delightful and entertaining. Can't wait to finally know how Amy captured his heart. 

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