Friday, December 25

How Am I Celebrating The Holidays This Year

The plan for today was just to cook, oops I meant prepare a dinner for my parents. Not much of a celebration but have never really celebrated Christmas anyway..

Well, as mentioned previously, I'm not much of a cook so I really "prepared" a dinner, inclusive of a fancy menu. Ha! 

The chips and cookies were store-bought, and parents were not interested in them at all. Katsudon and baby ribs were from Treedots and I only needed to follow instructions to get them ready. Salmon soup and stollen were both made by Axel last week. I only added tofu to the soup. 

So the only things I really cooked were the vegetable dish and rice. 🤣🤣 I really just put things together and made everything presentable and better! Might I add that the final touch of Hello Kitty beverage in pretty glasses round this up perfectly! 

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