Sunday, December 20

One Weakness About Myself

I do not like conflicts. The very thought of disagreeing with someone is uncomfortable for me. It is why I am often very silent in social settings. It isn't that I have no opinion but that I do not wish to share my opposing view which I believe will (i) lead to an argument, (ii) result in a awkward situation, (iii) damage a relationship, (iv) or all of the above. I got so used to keeping my thoughts to myself it is no wonder that my comments in report books were often "quiet and pleasant disposition".

But avoiding conflicts is definitely a weakness of mine. Another thing I remember from my growing up years was my netball coach telling me that I need to be more assertive. It goes hand in hand with one's level of self-confidence. When you easily lose possession of the ball on court, you become less confident of getting it back. It is a vicious cycle that took me a long time to break out of.

At least now that I am aware of it, I am working on it. I still do not like conflicts but avoiding them is no longer my first option now. I do, however, take a lot of time and consideration before I actually decide on my next step when facing a conflict. Work in progress here. 

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