Saturday, December 19

Something I Would Tell Myself From The Beginning of 2020

I started a brand new bullet journal at the start of this year. One of its first pages was my "word of the year". The word of the year helps set one's intention for the year which I suppose will fit right in with today's reflection. 

Although that one word is very prominent, as indicated on the top left hand corner, I wanted to:
 - feel magical
 - be magical
 - stay magical
 - make all things magical
When I was choosing the word, I realized that I did not want anything too rigid but something that could apply to everything. 

The fact that I'm a Harry Potter fan probably played a part too. Sometimes I feel I'm too logical and should instead have a little more faith but "faith" still does not quite resonate with me. I also was inspired by Einstein's quote to choose to see everything as a miracle except I prefer everything to be magical rather than miraculous. 

So there it is. And I think the word surfaced quite dramatically in January (see here). However, after the pandemic reared its ugly head, I had sort of forgotten about it.... Shall keep it in the forefront of my mind now for the remainder of December. After all, it is almost Christmas. 

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