Monday, April 26

Mala and me?!

I have been told more than once that I can't be Singaporean because I don't like spicy food. It's true. Ketchup is my favorite sauce and I have never tasted chili till my teenage years. And only droplets of mild chicken rice chili with lots of rice. Just can't take too much of it. 

So when Mala first came to our shores, I hardly noticed or perhaps I avoided it. I did try a few mouthfuls during a family dinner when my brother bought the spicy version which of course meant no more for me. 

Had not thought about it anymore until recently when a friend bought a for one bowl. Woah... you mean it is not only for sharing? I was also informed then that you have a choice of the level of spiciness?! Stealing bites from his bowl, I realised my range of food choices just got expanded. 

Usually for meatless Mondays, if vegetarian food is unavailable, I look for economical rice or Yong Tau Foo stalls and only pick vegetables. This can be done at Mala stalls too! So today, I finally ordered a Mala Xiang Guo for myself. 

Naturally, I opted for the 少辣. Pleasantly surprised by the variety compared to YTF. What I didn't know was that my selections are charged by weight and a typical bowl will cost SGD7.50. But it was delicious! 

Love the stir fried crunchy ingredients with that acceptable touch of spiciness. The extra peanuts really elevated the whole meal for me. Must remember to request to skip the coriander..

Anyway, never imagined myself eating Mala anything so this is worth a mention. Time to try out all these famous Mala stalls on the island! 

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