Saturday, July 24


 I fell in love with the concept of combining yoga and dance the first time I watched this video more than a year ago. Two movements close to my heart seamlessly intertwined together and flawlessly performed by the instructor. I had resolved there and then to master it when I was sharing the video and regretfully did nothing for a year.

 So Facebook reminded me of it recently and I was mesmerized all over again. This time I meticulously watched and rewatched it and penned down the sequence of the poses. The song is beautiful. Then I practised it multiple times before I finally remembered to apply the basic 8 counts for dance choreography. Ha! The whole sequence is barely 4 minutes but by the time I could do one time without referring to the video, I was sweating buckets! It felt so good.

 Today after 45 minutes worth of sun salutations, I decided to end off with this 舞极流 instead of savasana. Actually I have never forgotten my love for dancing but that has definitely taken a back seat now that yoga feels so much more accessible. As I watched myself performing it, trying to ignore all the wobbling, unpointed toes and wrinkled forehead, one word came through to me.

 Last month, I wrote down a Sadhguru's quote on devotion. Somehow it called to me when I chanced upon it even though I did not fully understand it. It just felt like something that I need, something I will benefit from. Precisely because I had never understood it or accepted it, or the idea of faith which is a close synonym to devotion.

I had rejected religion. That of the older generation. Another of a few of my ex-es. I have no problem seeing the goodness in religions but that aspect of pure faith or total devotion just does not gel with the logical me. Yet, I am not an atheist. I consider myself spiritual. But even spirituality seems to require faith and devotion. That I struggle with...


Lustful looks of one who lacks love.
Loving touch of a heart that is soaked in the infinite will.
The tenderness of heartless devotion.
Vast beyond the measure of an ocean.
Barrenness of one who knows not the grace of love and devotion.
All this and more are the ways of the creature called human.
Choose my beloved to be an ocean of devotion.


However, watching myself doing what I love.... I am starting to get a glimpse. 

Perhaps devotion to me is movement.


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