Monday, April 22

can't be the rose

omg... i let a month passed without posting at all... and there was no lack of materials... but somehow nothing is ever that important enough for me to sit down and pen all that flurry of thoughts into meaningful words... 

no more urgent urges... 
not my new sleek and gorgeous tablet/laptop hybrid (which i named sammi), 
not the boston marathon incident (senseless and hurtful which i can never understand), 
not taking MC for the first time this year (which was serious enough to be off work for 2 days - woohoo!), 
not the subtle but perhaps enormous difference between "not meant to be" and "meant not to be" (i celebrate amazing writers!!), 
finally not even the one change that usually would have turned my life upside down.... 
guess i will do right to stick with devoting my posts to TDSSD..

but before that... a piece i written for school... and given the numerous positive feedback i received, i say the near heart attack i had while presenting it over the PA system is quite worth it!


The Little Prince is one of my favourite books. It is written in such simple language yet the lessons within are so profound. The love story between the prince and his rose helped me understand that a relationship is not always tender and delightful but often involves pain and hurt as well. I felt the prince’s love for his rose and once thought it would be a blessing to be his rose. It was a very real love story of two human beings. I had wondered what kind of woman the rose had been for the prince to feel so much for yet choose to leave behind.

However, I am not here to review The Little Prince today. The book I like to recommend is titled “The Tale of The Rose”. That’s right. It was written by The Little Prince’s beloved rose, wife of Antoine de Saint-ExupĂ©ry. This is her account, her version of their extraordinary marriage which had spanned 13 long years. Like The Little Prince, it was translated from French. His wife was a writer too and she wrote well. At least, she managed to bring me on an emotional roller-coaster ride from her first meeting with Antoine in Buenos Aires, through war times in France to the time she heard of his final disappearance from the skies while living in New York.

It is a very insightful book to me though the main reason I am recommending this book is how it validates the idiom “there are always two sides to a story”. Indeed, now i see the same relationship from two different perspectives. I really could never look at The Little Prince the same way again. I may have wished I was his unique rose once, after knowing the other side of the story, the modern woman in me is wishing he never return, or if he did, would never stay in such a broken relationship with him.

To say the truth, I am not sure if I would recommend it to those who love The Little Prince, just because The Tale of The Rose will irreversibly change your opinion of him. But everyone deserves to know the full story because only then can you make a more informed choice or form a more rational opinion. And this applies to all aspects of life – whether you are choosing subjects, a course or a school, or you are wondering if your parents or teachers are being fair to you – you need to first know the full story. This book truly reinforced this concept for me.