Thursday, December 30

Year End Ramblings

 I just returned home from dropping off a rather heavy bag of edible goodies at a collection point for IRR #WeHaveADream

Actually it was not in my plans to contribute to it. I am kind of a wet blanket during this festivity because Christmas gifting simply feels too wasteful. I have practically taken a total hands-off approach. This has messed with my head a little especially when I felt like the only outsider amidst a worldwide celebration. I did not receive many gifts this year (or for some years now) probably because my friends know how I feel about it (or maybe because they know they will not get any from me? 🤣)

I contemplated getting holiday themed cheesecakes for my colleagues because good food can always be enjoyed and less likely to be wasted. But a few factors put me off it and sometimes when things are not going smoothly I do not wish to force it to make it happen. Does anyone ever get this feeling?? Or is it just me being stingy again?

Well, one of the factors is that we already have so many gifts of chocolates, sweets and biscuits from our very generous clients/customers/kids! There really was no way we could have finished all of it at work and it was suggested that we bring them home but none of us was exactly thrilled with that idea either.

I saw a win-win solution. It is not the first time I found myself in such a position where my connections and knowledge solved a problem and/or fulfilled a need. The IRR initiative is available in the public domain and despite news coverage on them, who they are and what they do is not that widely known. Or perhaps it is just my crazily deep desire that nothing goes to waste that made me put two and two together.

So that is how I came to contribute, or rather, how my colleagues and I donated and hopefully put smiles on the faces of some migrant workers!

Which brings me to the concept of regifting because that is basically what we did. It is definitely not my first time but I have come a long way from feeling guilty about it to doing it appropriately. Let's make this a norm already!!


The images taken at the Bishan Salvation Army Donation Booth have been widely shared these few days. This situation can be avoided if we can move away from the R of recycle towards the R of reduce. Or apply the R of rethink right now and consider regifting those items that are on the wishlist of #WeHaveADream! 

The initiative runs till 10 Jan 2022 so do take the time to review what brand new items you have that might be an essential but out-of-budget item for the very people who are helping to build our nation. Alternatively, they are still accepting ReDiscover vouchers too! You only have 2 days left before they go to waste!!

Thursday, December 2


Today I stepped into a changing room of a retail shop. The full length mirror and hooks on the wall looked oddly strange yet familiar. I could not recall when was the last time I stepped into one. That is how long ago since I last did any shopping. Not because of the pandemic restrictions, not because I switched to online shopping (I find it difficult to buy clothes without trying them first) but for environmental reasons. 

I totally subscribe to the new Rs of sustainability. The most familiar 3Rs - reduce, reuse and recycle - are just not sufficient anymore. The number one R that can truly make a difference is refuse. I refuse to indulge my past careless purchases of clothing which are left forgotten in the wardrobe. I have no qualms about taking over second hand clothes so I do refresh my wardrobe when absolutely necessary, just not with brand new items off the rack. I shop at Fashion Pulpit!

So why am I buying something brand new off the shelves?! An unforeseen circumstance had left me no time to get home to retrieve an essential clothing so this purchase is out of a need to fulfill a work requirement. I was already at a mall then so it definitely made more sense to make a purchase than to make a detour back home for something easily found where I was.

I am quite thrifty (read: stingy although I also have to acknowledge that branded items tend to be of better quality and therefore last longer which will actually be more sustainable) so while browsing the price was a major factor which I kept track of as I went from shop to shop. Nothing seemed to fit in my budget. At the final shop, I had quite a few choices of a range of prices which were still not within my budget but something else caught my eye. 


 I went straight for the changing room. I had picked out three different styles each with the abovementioned label. It fits. It fulfilled the need. I paid for the least expensive one I had tried even though it was not the cheapest I saw from all the shops I went to. At that moment, I realised I just voted with my wallet. However pretty soon, I started to doubt if voting with your wallet (VWYW) can really make a difference, especially by a consumer who is not willing to spend much in the first place. Hahaha! There is also the issue of greenwashing to consider...

Well, I do need to spend that money and I would really rather be supporting companies that attempt to help the environment than those that are just out to maximise profits. It just feels like the right thing to do despite the uncertainty of its effectiveness. Or I can even say that it personally feels wrong to buy anything else when I know I have this option now. Anyway, I see it as an advantage in simplifying my decision making process.

This seems to suggest that I might have worried for nothing. Good to know. And oooo.... there are quite a few Certified B Corporations in Singapore I can knock on the doors of!

Tuesday, November 30

Completing a challenge

Have you heard of the Photo-a-day challenge? I can proudly proclaim that I have completed this challenge for the month of November! I decided to take up this challenge as I could sense my mood turning darker along with the increasingly depressive situation we were facing. And I have to say the challenge really did helped to improve the mood. At the very least, it gave me something to look forward to every single day for the past 30 days,

Actually having had a couple of fairly accomplished photographers as partners previously, I had been more used to being in front of a professional camera rather than behind it. But now that we all have a camera phone, I rather enjoy applying my aesthetic eye to capture snapshots of memories worth keeping. (Though I also believe in being fully present in the moment rather than experiencing life through a lens.)

So I really had quite some fun looking for models and objects each day, playing with angles and even filters (since I had been uploading the photos to Instagram) that I would highly recommend it to anyone looking for a fun project to do. Sometimes, just browsing the relevant hashtags can yield some interesting pictures too! It is a bonus that it helped to fill up my rather empty Instagram account. Ha!

Disclaimer: I did feel slightly stressed on some days when it felt impossible to fulfill the theme/prompt given my schedule for the day. Case in point, how to find waves when I know I will be nowhere near the sea that day?!?! I also kind of failed on two occasions even though I did produce an image on both days. On the day that I was to take a picture of something I do everyday, I shared an accomplishment on Two Dots rather than take a picture. On hindsight, I could have taken a photo of me chewing or breathing too. For the day that the prompt was this season, I was adamant to wait for heavy rain which of course did not happen that particular day...

I am already thinking about doing a 365 version one. Perhaps with a twist by including one object that will feature in every single photo.... like Mr Tan Chuan Jin's Parley.... hmmm..... 



Thursday, November 11

when you love two languages..

Growing up in a Chinese/Hokkien speaking household, my grasp of the English language was never as good as that of my Mother Tongue. Learning Higher Chinese during my secondary school days had also deepened my love for this difficult and challenging but oh-so-incredible language. I am constantly amazed how a few characters in a single idiom can often convey so much more than the sum of its parts.
One would expect that if I am a language teacher, I would be teaching Chinese but fortuitously I had a take-it-or-leave-it offer to teach English when I applied to be a teacher. At times, I still feel like a fraud to call myself an English teacher when it is not something that comes naturally to me. The number of times I checked and re-checked the dictionary and thesaurus to write a single blog post is proof. Yet, having undergone that training started an unexpected love affair.
I love both languages. And I have come to realise that rather than identifying myself with either of them, it is more crucial to recognise the importance of language(s) as part of communication. Personally, effective communication is THE most important life skill everyone should acquire. So much wasted effort and unnecessary anguish can be avoided if what is said is received as intended.

Well, because I love both languages, I often try to make sense of the world, what I read, what I hear, through both medium. For example, I may watch a movie in English but constantly read the accompanying Chinese subtitles to get a deeper understanding. I enjoy such translation so much that I had offered to do translation (both ways) during volunteering stints! 
So recently, I was indulging in one of my favourite songs by one of my favourite artistes when I felt inspired to translate the song lyrics. Initially, I thought I would need to refer to other attempts (Mr Google really can find anything) but in the end, I was able to craft my own translation in its entirety rather fluidly. I was only concerned about not losing the original meaning (or at least my interpretation of it) that I did not bother about how my translation will fit back in the song. Look at this gem of a website I found! Such a great way to learn a new language if you enjoy singing too!!
I suppose it is not too difficult to guess which Chinese song I have translated especially since it is also the theme song for a famous fabulous movie! As a Physics teacher, I wonder if the songwriter had misunderstood the definition of light year to be a measurement of time rather than that of distance... but who cares! The song is beautiful and her singing is flawless!
What do you think of my translation? 

Beyond Light Years 

relishing the caress of your fingertips on my hair
it freezes time instantaneously
etching the focus of your determined eyes upon mine
there may already be no tomorrow 

compared to the vast galaxies of stars
we are more minute than dust
floating drifting in helplessness 

fate brought us together far from the madding crowd
destiny had us falling in love amidst distress
perhaps a future is far beyond light years
i am willing to keep a vigil for you in this uncertainty 

i never imagine how crazy i will get for you
without you disasters and calamities can claim my life
i am already mad in the mind for you
without you pulses and heartbeats are inconsequential 

one embrace by your loving arms
protects me from the whirlwind of life
one bond of passionate relentlessness
fires up that eternal flame of hope 

the universe is majestic yet aloof
our love is infinitesimal but brilliant
tremulous but oh so selfless 

perhaps to deviate from the course is a dream that can never come to fruition
far from the madding crowd we only belong to each other

Thursday, September 30

Of course it is Edible!

The forgotten and forsaken domain
I knew very early on that I could never be a chef. Fire, splattering oil, sharp knife on slippery ingredients, and the constant worry that whatever I cook is not cooked through... I was so thankful that we were put in pairs for Home Economic lessons in the kitchen. My poor partner often had to take over the portions I was squirmish about but I was always more than happy to do the dishes thereafter! As a young adult, I could never do more than instant noodles and scrambled eggs. Even when I moved into my own apartment, my standard "cooked" meal was simple wraps using my trusty waffle/panini/sandwich maker

So when the lockdown last year forced me to rethink my resistance to cooking, encouraged and enticed by a newly renovated kitchen available to me, I decided to document my exploration into this forgotten and forsaken domain. Because.. me?!?! cooking?!?! the effort definitely deserves mention and byte space! But when I had to name the album in which I intend to collate pictures of my food creations, still concerned about the possibility of my husband and myself coming down with food poisoning, I could only come up with a "Edible?"

 Seventeen months after, I have to say I come a long way. 

In the initial stage with near-zero experience, I felt more secure following recipes to a T. One tablespoon means exactly that. I would use a proper measuring spoon and level out whatever ingredient that is being measured. A cup of rice to two cups of water. Placing the measuring tool on the counter top, I would lower myself to avoid parallax error in reading the measurement. I struggled with the ambiguity of corn flour versus corn starch. I googled for definitions of simmer and broil, and watched videos on how to clean or cut an ingredient. Sticking the thermometer into every meat dish. I favoured recipes that state the exact time requirements and often relied on the timer of the induction cooker. I especially disliked recipes with judgement calls such as "when the onion turn translucent". I would never start on a recipe unless I had absolutely everything in its ingredient list. 

Cooking was stressful. Ha!

Just made the fifth iteration of a favourite of this household - oven baked chicken and rice. Whilst cooking, I noticed an ease and confidence in myself that was not there before. Although I was still referring to the online recipe in my tablet, I had decided to make my own judgement calls - reducing the amount of rice and matching the required amount of broth accordingly; additionally marinating the chicken in a concoction I remembered from a previous recipe; skipping an entire step because I didn't see the need to waste a non-essential foil wrap; shortening the cook time because the chicken looked done. I could hardly believe this is the same me from last year!

With how well this dish had turned out with my experimentation, I feel like I have "graduated". At least into secondary level. Hahaha... I still can't cut onions and I avoid pan-frying at all cost but cooking is no longer stressful. It is almost enjoyable. I am also starting to see how cooking for loved ones is an expression of affection regardless the standard of the food. 

Thus I think it is time for me to change the name of my photo album... suggestions?

Wednesday, September 22

I wish I never tasted my first chee cheong fun

What was your first introduction to chee cheong fun? 

My earliest memory of it was the pre-made type kept in a food warmer alongside a variety of similarly mass-produced bao and siew mai. It takes no time for it to be dumped on a plate and topped with sweet sauce and if you are lucky, sesame seeds. As a picky eater who disliked vegetables and complicated food, that was often my go-to "meal" during recess in early school years. I think I liked it very much then. 

I wish I could remember when was my first introduction to the other chee cheong fun. I am referring to the freshly-made type using steam to cook the liquid rice flour on a cloth into translucent rice sheets with savoury ingredients such as char siew or prawns. Served steaming hot with a super light soy sauce. Okay, I am salivating as I am typing here. This is the only type of chee cheong fun I allow into my stomach now.

I was pondering this question of why was my first chee cheong fun not the second version as my husband and I were enjoying this very delicacy bought from the newly opened Chef Wei HK Cheong Fun in our neighbourhood. I really love this version of chee cheong fun!!! And I seriously feel shortchanged somehow that I grew up thinking the first version was acceptable..

As mentioned, I think I liked it then as a child. It was enjoyable then even though the rice rolls were way too thick and the dish had minimal nutrients. Perhaps in a school setting where the turnover rate is high, all the chee cheong fun I had then were soft and warm. It was during my working days when in the interest of time and convenience, I ordered a plate from the drinks stall at a coffeeshop and was served one with rice rolls that were dried up at the edges and a sweet sauce that was too watery, and no sesame seeds. Oh, the indignation I felt then. 

I can't be sure but after getting my first taste of the Hong Kong style chee cheong fun, I believe I have never (in the words of the famous doctor photographer) wasted another calorie on the version made for convenience. 

Convenience. Just a word. Who doesn't like convenience right? Me. It has become a word with negative connotations to me now. I do like ease, honestly who wouldn't like life to be easier, but no, not at the expense of life itself. How did we come to this point when convenience takes precedence over our health, our wellbeing, our only home, our planet? 

Back to the question to which I have no answer. It is hard to imagine a Chef Wei in even one school canteen. With an average of 30 minutes for recess, who has time to wait for freshly made chee cheong fun? How else to serve the masses but with mass-produced food? Yet, I can't help thinking how I would never ever stomach the pre-made convenience version if my first taste had been the freshly made authentic quality food that we deserve.  


Friday, July 30

Can we make the entire planet one big apiary??

I remember a time when buzzing bees scared me to death. Must be some movie I watched when I was still a child when bees meant a full-on attack that no one can escape unless you are near a body of water. Now that I am older and wiser, I do not flinch as much when encountering bees. One reason I attribute this to is the practice of ahimsa - nonviolence to all living things. And a hopefully not naive belief that I will not be harmed by another which I am not harming. Probably also well-trained by diving in trigger fish/sharks/sea urchins infested waters. But I still get a jolt when a bee flies too close for comfort.

So, you can imagine my utter amazement to watch these Tik Tok videos by Erika Thompson, a beekeeper based in USA who handles bees sans protective gear. Not one bee, or a few bees but entire bee colonies protective of their beehives. And never near any lakes or rivers!! (okay, I recall a swimming pool once) It is truly mesmerizing to see her in action. So gentle, confident and might I add elegant and gorgeous?!? [Recently there was an online feud between her and other beekeepers over her methods but I shall share this article and still standby my support for her!]

Now, you can imagine my absolute delight to discover we have our very own Singapore Bee Man!! Xavier Tan saves bees in a very similar method as Erika Thompson, rehoming them humanely. I enjoy his videos too, especially when you can recognize whereabouts he was on our sunny island! Besides providing bee removal service, he also has locally produced raw honey (and mead! read: wine) for sale!

Today he shared a post that left me incredulous. Our very own NParks (and NEA) ignorant about the existence of humane bee removal methods. Seriously? Or the excuse that they have a contract with a pest extermination company. First of all, bees are not pest!! And all contracts have expiry right? Know better and do better then! Having previously watched his video on the aftermath of a chemical extermination, this is unthinkable and unacceptable. Once again, we have allowed convenience to take precedence over the value of life. 😔

Did you know that there is a World Bee Day? I mean I generally enjoy seeing bees alive and well (rather than exterminated and left for dead) but bees are actually essential to our very survival. 

"Bees are vital for the preservation of ecological balance and biodiversity in nature."

Thus, if you ever have to remove a bee hive, please call our Bee Man. Can't believe I am saying this, but do not call our authorities, they do not know better. And apparently refuse to learn. 

Should I start a petition to get our authorities to provide humane recommendations? 👀

Saturday, July 24


 I fell in love with the concept of combining yoga and dance the first time I watched this video more than a year ago. Two movements close to my heart seamlessly intertwined together and flawlessly performed by the instructor. I had resolved there and then to master it when I was sharing the video and regretfully did nothing for a year.

 So Facebook reminded me of it recently and I was mesmerized all over again. This time I meticulously watched and rewatched it and penned down the sequence of the poses. The song is beautiful. Then I practised it multiple times before I finally remembered to apply the basic 8 counts for dance choreography. Ha! The whole sequence is barely 4 minutes but by the time I could do one time without referring to the video, I was sweating buckets! It felt so good.

 Today after 45 minutes worth of sun salutations, I decided to end off with this 舞极流 instead of savasana. Actually I have never forgotten my love for dancing but that has definitely taken a back seat now that yoga feels so much more accessible. As I watched myself performing it, trying to ignore all the wobbling, unpointed toes and wrinkled forehead, one word came through to me.

 Last month, I wrote down a Sadhguru's quote on devotion. Somehow it called to me when I chanced upon it even though I did not fully understand it. It just felt like something that I need, something I will benefit from. Precisely because I had never understood it or accepted it, or the idea of faith which is a close synonym to devotion.

I had rejected religion. That of the older generation. Another of a few of my ex-es. I have no problem seeing the goodness in religions but that aspect of pure faith or total devotion just does not gel with the logical me. Yet, I am not an atheist. I consider myself spiritual. But even spirituality seems to require faith and devotion. That I struggle with...


Lustful looks of one who lacks love.
Loving touch of a heart that is soaked in the infinite will.
The tenderness of heartless devotion.
Vast beyond the measure of an ocean.
Barrenness of one who knows not the grace of love and devotion.
All this and more are the ways of the creature called human.
Choose my beloved to be an ocean of devotion.


However, watching myself doing what I love.... I am starting to get a glimpse. 

Perhaps devotion to me is movement.


Monday, May 31

The dissectologist's final piece

I have always enjoyed assembling jigsaw puzzles. I especially love puzzles with cats on them. I had so many completed ones, both framed and unframed, lying around that I had a hard time deciding what to do with them when I was packing for my move into my own apartment. With a desire to lead a more minimalist lifestyle, I did not buy any more puzzles and it has been 4 years since I assembled one.

During the Circuit Breaker and all the extra time social distancing at home, my hands (and mind) began to itch for a puzzle. In this climate of uncertainty, the prospect of a clear solution just waiting to be discovered is immensely alluring. Like cross-stitching and painting-by-numbers, it is also a healthier activity compared to staring at screens. I was so sorely tempted to get this particular one

Recently, I chanced upon a mini jigsaw puzzle giveaway on a blessing group and jumped on it! I could and would certainly give it away upon completion and pay it forward. I was also excited about the fact that this was a mini version such that the 1000 pieces will only reach A3 size. Talk about saving space, and I just have a thing for tiny, miniature stuff.

So the dissectologist, yours truly, got to work. I was really looking forward to the entire process from completing the frame to putting that final piece in its place, and that ultimate sense of accomplishment. In fact, I started to wonder which or where might my final piece be and muse about if there could be a significance to that final piece.. 🤔

My puzzle assembling skills are a little rusty that although I found the frame fairly quickly, my progress soon halted as I was getting distracted by pieces all over the place unsorted by colours. It was not the gratifying experience I was expecting. But herein lies the beauty of doing a puzzle, I get to decide when I stop for the day (unlike daily quests on my Two Dot game which leaves me no choice! 😂)

The following day I started by sorting the colours (which should had been the first thing to do after finding the frame!) and I did not want to stop. There is some real satisfaction in being able to recognise exactly where a particular piece goes, or placing a piece correctly by gut feeling. I was on a roll, grinning like an idiot with every piece that found its rightful place.

Before long, I could see that the final piece would probably be a green piece of a grass patch without any distinctive markings, not a blue piece of the water waves that looked indistinguishable from one to the other. So... green instead of blue huh.....

Except, my final piece was nowhere to be found. 

It was neither green nor blue or any colour because as I was searching frantically for the missing piece, I already forgotten which was the second last piece I put in place. I totally missed out on that thrill of the moment of epiphany when the whole picture reveals itself with the placement of the final piece.

The crazy thing is I was okay with it. If it had happened when I was younger, I would have cursed and  swore at the indignation, at the wasted time and effort to arrive at imperfection. But not today. 

Age does crazy things to you. Really had enjoyed the journey rather than focusing on the destination. 

And perhaps that was exactly the significance of this dissectologist's final piece.

Monday, May 10


This poem was written in 1927. I was today years old to have the fortune of being acquainted with it. 

Well, the first thing I had to do (whenever I come across texts that speak right to my heart) is to write it out by hand. I enjoy practising my handwriting and the whole process allows me to think more thoroughly about what I am writing. My favourite portion is the last three paragraphs.

My immediate thought was I wished I knew it when I was younger, when it would have helped, when I really needed it. But I figured I would probably not had been mature enough then to glimpse the gems within. 

desiderata (noun, plural) - things that are desired, wanted, or needed

Yes, the younger me would not be able to see that those are the things that are truly desirable, blinded the way I was by peer pressure, social norms and my own monkey mind. ... Immensely thankful that I now have some wisdom to be able to appreciate this prose-poem.

May this sharing brings peace to your soul.

Friday, April 30

What kind of books keep you up at night?

Been a while since I wrote a book review; Had done a few as an English Language teacher. Check out here and here. Wrote this one for NLB Book Review Challenge (200 words limit 😅) when I chanced upon it while reading the book. Really enjoyed this one. 💖 If you don't mind a preloved book, I can pass on the book to you! And just found out there is a TV movie based on the book!


"Photography is all about secrets. The secrets we all have and will never tell."

"You can't stop time. You can't capture light. You can only turn your face up and let it rain down."

"A moment was not a single moment at all, but rather an infinite number of different moments, depending on who was seeing things and how." 

The very first thing that drew me to this book was its cover. On hindsight, the beautiful imaginary of the transparent dress perfectly reflects the theme of the daughter who is present yet as good as invisible. I also agree with the idea of photography portrayed as a means of holding memories and find myself nodding along whenever this theme is explored. I especially love the author’s artistry in describing landscapes, scenes, moments, and even the emotions of the characters to the point of making them almost tangible. It had been a meditation like experience for me reading this book as it demands full attention to its vivid description and suspenseful plot. The book was set in the late 20th century and it is sad to note that the stigma attached to mental conditions and Down Syndrome had scarcely reduced since then. I can only hope that readers of the book may be positively impacted and better empathise with people having such conditions.

Monday, April 26

Mala and me?!

I have been told more than once that I can't be Singaporean because I don't like spicy food. It's true. Ketchup is my favorite sauce and I have never tasted chili till my teenage years. And only droplets of mild chicken rice chili with lots of rice. Just can't take too much of it. 

So when Mala first came to our shores, I hardly noticed or perhaps I avoided it. I did try a few mouthfuls during a family dinner when my brother bought the spicy version which of course meant no more for me. 

Had not thought about it anymore until recently when a friend bought a for one bowl. Woah... you mean it is not only for sharing? I was also informed then that you have a choice of the level of spiciness?! Stealing bites from his bowl, I realised my range of food choices just got expanded. 

Usually for meatless Mondays, if vegetarian food is unavailable, I look for economical rice or Yong Tau Foo stalls and only pick vegetables. This can be done at Mala stalls too! So today, I finally ordered a Mala Xiang Guo for myself. 

Naturally, I opted for the 少辣. Pleasantly surprised by the variety compared to YTF. What I didn't know was that my selections are charged by weight and a typical bowl will cost SGD7.50. But it was delicious! 

Love the stir fried crunchy ingredients with that acceptable touch of spiciness. The extra peanuts really elevated the whole meal for me. Must remember to request to skip the coriander..

Anyway, never imagined myself eating Mala anything so this is worth a mention. Time to try out all these famous Mala stalls on the island! 

Monday, March 29

2 tablespoons of maple syrup

Right after I graduated from university, I went on an extended trip to Australia. This graduation trip lasted 3 months which was the when and how I fell in love with Jester pies and Anzac biscuits. Although not as impossible to find as Jester pies, I hardly find Anzac biscuits being sold in Singapore. I am almost certain to buy one whenever I see one!

 Thus, when I saw the Anzac Biscuit Mix being sold at The Source Bulk Foods, I knew I had to get my hands on it. Lucky me was even offered a bottle (shelf life almost up) that was 50% off at the cashier! Definitely meant to be. Thankfully the instructions were simple enough. The mixture only required 3 additional ingredients of which the only item I did not have on hand was maple syrup.

So, I definitely can afford to buy myself some maple syrup but it is most certainly not a staple in my household and I do not wish to buy even the smallest bottle only to find it forgotten and expired months down the road. What to do??


Scratchbac to the rescue!! It appears to be not as well known as SG Assist and somehow I had the mistaken idea that it is only available to some estates?!?! But the objective is similar. Anyway, I finally got on it recently and I actually prefer the Telegram interface of Scratchbac compared to SG Assist app. 

This was only my second time using Scratchbac and after having no response via Olio, I was not hopeful... But I received not one but three offers to help! The very first respondent also happened to stay in the same condo as I do! So we met up the very same night with me receiving a carefully measured portion of maple syrup and her receiving some snacks from me just steps away from the comfort of our homes. 


I am just in awe by how technology has enabled the Chinese saying of 远亲不如近邻. Especially for someone like me who is relatively new to this estate; this is a pretty good way to connect with my new community! And I get to enjoy a batch of freshly baked Anzac biscuits... 🤤I do so love the taste! Shall be delivering a couple of them to my newfound friend in the estate too!! Thanks for scratching my back with the maple syrup!?!?!


Monday, March 22

Dates of Significance and Significant Days

I pay an extraordinary amount of attention to dates for some unknown reason. I remember birthdays, special days and commemorative dates quite well and often feel the need to acknowledge or celebrate such dates of significance so they can truly become significant days. 

Case in point, the birthdays of most of my close friends' are pretty deeply etched in my mind. I also notice patterns in these dates too, especially when co-related with horoscopes. Just recently, I pointed out to two of my gal pals this mysterious pattern in our birthdays.

                      24 Jan        24 01

                      14 Feb        14 02

                       4 Mar        04 03

So you can expect that I remember anniversary dates pretty well and most definitely expect my partners (current and past) to do so as well! And when any of these dates roll by, I think of that special someone and give thanks that our paths had crossed and for all the lessons gained. 

Then there are the national and international days which are so numerous and not always personally significant. But there are quite a few United Nations Observances that fall in this month of March which are pretty close to heart. 

  • International Women's Day is easy to remember especially if you first learnt about it in Chinese. 三八妇女节 is also what I often use to help my Physics students memorise the speed of light. 
  • Also due to my teaching background, I really enjoy having a pie on Pi Day which PM Lee also commemorated (here and here)! 
  • I also particularly appreciate the existence of International Day of Happiness since happiness and joy really eluded me for a period of time. 
  • Just yesterday, I found out the existence of World Wildlife Day, International Day of Forests and World Water Day which I think are not having the right level of attention to their significance in our current state of environmental crisis. 
However, the most significant day of this month has to be my wedding anniversary. A date I specifically picked to coincide with the day I first met my husband. And celebrate we did! With a relatively extravagant staycation at The Capitol Kempinski. This short getaway from home when borders are closed had been a great change of scene and a real pampering treat too!

Well, there is still one more (heartwrenching) date of significance for me coming up this month. I wonder if the tears will fall again when I think of Mr LKY.

Friday, February 26

More than raincoats..

Sometimes, I get really amazed how blind we can be to the things happening around us. To be perfectly honest (and guiltily so), the migrant workers in our country had been practically invisible to me for most of my life. I had been better at noticing the development in a construction site, the improvements to estate facilities, the beautification of a garden, the clearance of garbage and litter without once sparing a thought for the people who made those things happen. 


It takes a special person to notice that some in our society have become forgotten and in need of a voice and actually do something about it. Dipa Swaminathan is truly an inspiration and I have been following up on the blossoming of ItsRainingRaincoats (IRR). There is no denying the incredible work she and her team have been putting in to make a difference to the lives of our migrant brothers and sisters. So many times, reading the stories and viewing the photos of how lives have been positively impacted brought a tear to my eye and a lump in my throat.

Thus, I literally jumped at the opportunity to contribute in a way I can when the MADWISH call for teachers came to my notice. Since the Circuit Breaker in April 2020, I have been teaching English to a migrant worker via Whatsapp. More than just imparting knowledge, our interaction has led to a friendship which I would never have had if not for this programme.

More recently, the brainchild of one IRR volunteer came to fruition and Singaporeans can now (till 8th March 2021) donate their SingapoReDiscovers vouchers and sponsor a migrant worker to similarly enjoy our beautiful country! Although guiding steps are provided, the process might still be overwhelming for some - if so, ask me! More than willing to help.. :)

Today being the final (fifteenth) day of CNY (元宵节快乐!), another simple way to show care for our migrant workers is to donate your unopened and unexpired goodies to them. As the Chinese would say, 吃在嘴裡甜在心裡. Let's bring a taste of sweetness (regardless the goodie you are donating) to the lives of our migrant friends!

There really is so much more that we can do. If you like to contribute in other ways, check here for all their current campaigns. These tiny actions may seem insignificant, but the message they send out to not just the migrant workers but all Singaporeans in general is that we can make a positive difference. An individual effort may be small but each of us is capable of showing compassion. When one person sows that seed of loving-kindness, amazing things happen. Look what this Kampong Kaki is doing!

Thursday, February 11

Chinese New Year Festivity

In 2021, to use the term "festivity" sounds like an overkill. Especially with the restrictions imposed on visiting due to the Covid-19 situation. For once, I have zero plans for the second day of the Niu (homophone to "new" which refers to the oxen year we are welcoming) year when this itinerary had been fixed since I can ever remember.

But Chinese New Year (CNY) had really changed in terms of its significance for me. From the carefree childhood when it was all about angbaos to vainer times when I spent time and money to find new clothes and shoes to now when all my grandparents had passed and I no longer buy in to that "necessity" to get everything new. I had expected this CNY to be subdued.

Unless marketing delicious CNY goodies can count as part of the festivity, I had not intended to do more than sending out bright cheery CNY cards (from MFPA) to all the relatives I cannot visit this year. 

However, I was unexpectedly gifted with a CNY plant that is gorgeously decked out in red. 😍 It immediately brought in the CNY atmosphere at home.

Then, I received a surprise CNY goodie bag of mandarin oranges and pineapple tarts from the tuition centre I am teaching at. I was so touched by this gesture (never realised till now how much I missed similar gestures by all the schools I had taught at!) that I was inspired to DIY some angbao lanterns to help enhance the CNY ambience at the centre. I really wanted to make this beautiful flower ball but square angbao envelopes are so rare!

Seven Star Lantern
Easiest Lantern Ever!
Lucky Star Lantern - great for students in a tuition centre!

Finally, in a rather out-of-character fashion, we ordered drinks by the carton because they were on sale. 👉👈  I was just eyeing my favourite Sparkling Fuji Apple and maybe some beer but the hubby added on for future drinking sessions! The cheap deal and free delivery are hard to resist! 😝

So if you are similarly free during this CNY, my house has drinks, Bee Cheng Hiang bak kwa (another gift received by hubby), pineapple tarts and a more livened than usual CNY ambience to welcome you! There is also mahjong, Harry Potter scrabble and Netflix available for entertainment 😆 Or for a healthier option, Bukit Timah Hill is a stone's throw away!

Oh! And to really add on to the festivity, here's a CNY song by MICappella!

Gong Xi Fa Cai!!

Wednesday, January 13

Li NaiNai is my Ah Bo!

Disclaimer: I am the self-proclaimed artistic director of this marketing strategy and I have been commissioned to put up this post. But, I am also one of the family members who have been tasting these goodies for nearly 40 years and I can personally attest to the claims here!

Leave a comment or dm me for enquiries!


Li NaiNai is an undiscovered genius homebaker who is finally selling her bakes this year! She has been baking her tasty CNY goodies for more than 4 decades. What used to be the exclusive enjoyment of her family and friends can now be yours as well! With more than 40 years of experience, honing skills, gathering feedback and experimenting ingredients, Li NaiNai is confident that her mouthwatering bites made of the best ingredients will be second to none. Try them for yourself!


李奶奶是一位有天赋的家庭糕点师, 她烘烤美味的新年糕点已有40多年了。今年她终于开始售卖自己烤制的产品了!曾经是她的家人和朋友的独家享受,现在也可以成为您的乐趣。



Homemade and handmade with love, Li NaiNai will only be able to churn out a limited quantity, order yours today to avoid disappointment!

李奶奶坚持制饼工序必须亲力亲为,这样糕饼就会充满爱意,因此将只能限量发售以下三种糕饼。今天就订购您的,以免向隅! 欢迎来电咨询!


Cornflake Biscuits *玉米片糕饼*

This bitesize biscuit is dainty, crispy and super addictive! 

You will never be able to stop at one as you listen to the crunch with each bite. 

Great on its own and elevated when paired with your favourite coffee or tea.







Burnt Butter Cookies  *焦黄油饼干* 

There is only one way to describe how this cookie melts in your mouth – heavenly! 

Shaped like the sun, each cookie is “burnt” to perfection to make your tastebuds sing and feel your heart warmed. 

The best part is you do not have to stand in long queues to get this!


 只有一种方式可以描述这饼干入口即化的感觉 - 赞! 

形状像太阳,每个饼干都被 “烧” 到完美状态,唤醒您的味蕾并暖和您的心灵。 



Pineapple Balls (and XL-balls)  

This hot favourite loved by family members of Li NaiNai is made with a secret-never-to-be-named ingredient and comes in two different sizes for good reason. 

The tasty pastry surrounding the pineapple filling is so sought after that Li NaiNai especially made the XL version so that more of it can be savoured with each serving! 

If you prefer a balance of the tangy filling and buttery pastry then the original Pineapple Ball is exactly what you are looking for!



为何有大有小? 由于饼皮松脆味道浓郁非常受欢迎,李奶奶特别制作了XL版本,以便每口都能吃到更多饼皮,满足大家的欲望!
