Tuesday, May 16

A Bucket Full of Science [2016]

Decided to link some of my old blog posts for one of my Masters module here. I quite like those articles of mine =P was a little worried that they might not be online anymore but it appears that the blog is still alive for the current students so hooray!! so should I "transport" those posts to my own blog instead??

Some of the latest articles look pretty interesting too (want to clarify if Frozen's Elsa is related to Rapunzel? Analyze their eye colours!) looks like I will be spending some time reading them...

Anyway here are the 5 science-related posts I wrote in 2016. I was the very first student of the class to get the ball rolling on the blog. Lecturer praised me on my "courage" but I really just had inspiration to write so I wrote! Really wishing I have as much inspiration and motivation to write this article on cars that had been on the back-burner since March.............

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