Thursday, July 4

In search of The carpenter

When we first discussed renovating our house, the hubby's main concern was that we would not be able to find a good carpenter. He had been very impressed with the work of the last carpenter he hired years ago and wanted to hire him again even though he knew the carpenter would likely be retired by now. Imagine that they had no common language but the hubby still speaks of him like a kindred spirit, they believe in quality, excellent, lasting workmanship.

So, the dutiful wife made the call to Uncle Chan as although I am no good at Cantonese, I can still converse with him in Mandarin. I was full of anticipation while waiting for the call to go through as I heard so much about Uncle Chan and his hand in the various furniture at home. 🤣 Uncle Chan was very friendly and understanding, however, he is indeed retired and my hubby would not be able to hire his trusted carpenter.

On hubby's suggestion to ask Uncle Chan's recommendation for other carpenters, Uncle Chan candidly responded that he honestly cannot. 🤯 Is the standard that bad/low now? He continued to ask if we are going to have major renovations to which I replied that we intend to renovate room by room and he said that that was good; we can always change the contractor if the workmanship leaves much to be desired.. 😆

But how to decide on that first carpenter to use? Haus Bedroom was suggested by the parquet supplier we purchased from. They are neighbours in the same industrial estate. Naturally, I checked out its Facebook page first. I like that they offer a variety of configurations for the wardrobe design and the pricing is reasonable. Thankfully, hubby agreed and we swiftly made an appointment.

Michael was my first point of contact and had been extremely helpful. He is knowledgeable and confident of his products and able to give us suggestions and alternatives to our (mainly hubby's 😛) demands requirements. Especially for our bed frame which would hold our 2 European sized single mattresses and movable slatted frames and have sufficient storage underneath.

Exactly a month ago, our bedroom had been totally revamped with new parquet floor, new wardrobe, new bed frame and new wallpaper, paint and ceiling fan  (last three completely done by hubby himself) And we can't be any more pleased with how it had turned out... it is definitely my favourite room of the entire house at the moment. Special thanks warranted for not just Michael but his team of workers, including Moni and Nur. Moni even built a mini-version of the very complicated bed frame design to be extra certain that there would be no mistake in the final product. 👍

I think I don't even need to worry about finding the next carpenter too as hubby was already discussing possible ideas for the kitchen with Michael. 😉

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