Thursday, December 30

Year End Ramblings

 I just returned home from dropping off a rather heavy bag of edible goodies at a collection point for IRR #WeHaveADream

Actually it was not in my plans to contribute to it. I am kind of a wet blanket during this festivity because Christmas gifting simply feels too wasteful. I have practically taken a total hands-off approach. This has messed with my head a little especially when I felt like the only outsider amidst a worldwide celebration. I did not receive many gifts this year (or for some years now) probably because my friends know how I feel about it (or maybe because they know they will not get any from me? 🤣)

I contemplated getting holiday themed cheesecakes for my colleagues because good food can always be enjoyed and less likely to be wasted. But a few factors put me off it and sometimes when things are not going smoothly I do not wish to force it to make it happen. Does anyone ever get this feeling?? Or is it just me being stingy again?

Well, one of the factors is that we already have so many gifts of chocolates, sweets and biscuits from our very generous clients/customers/kids! There really was no way we could have finished all of it at work and it was suggested that we bring them home but none of us was exactly thrilled with that idea either.

I saw a win-win solution. It is not the first time I found myself in such a position where my connections and knowledge solved a problem and/or fulfilled a need. The IRR initiative is available in the public domain and despite news coverage on them, who they are and what they do is not that widely known. Or perhaps it is just my crazily deep desire that nothing goes to waste that made me put two and two together.

So that is how I came to contribute, or rather, how my colleagues and I donated and hopefully put smiles on the faces of some migrant workers!

Which brings me to the concept of regifting because that is basically what we did. It is definitely not my first time but I have come a long way from feeling guilty about it to doing it appropriately. Let's make this a norm already!!


The images taken at the Bishan Salvation Army Donation Booth have been widely shared these few days. This situation can be avoided if we can move away from the R of recycle towards the R of reduce. Or apply the R of rethink right now and consider regifting those items that are on the wishlist of #WeHaveADream! 

The initiative runs till 10 Jan 2022 so do take the time to review what brand new items you have that might be an essential but out-of-budget item for the very people who are helping to build our nation. Alternatively, they are still accepting ReDiscover vouchers too! You only have 2 days left before they go to waste!!

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