Thursday, March 14

4. Dylan needs to tell the truth.

i think this is a given.. honesty and integrity are two virtues every good person would have... they determine if you are reliable, dependable to finish a task the right way... the implications in the real world!! .... i cant imagine how people without these two values live with themselves?!

but how do inculcate these values?

watched a video on Ellen recently of a little boy who lied right through his teeth that he didnt snack when he had not cleaned his mouth... his mother kept reminding him that he should speak the truth but he repeatedly insisted that he didnt snack... made me wonder: where did he learn that lying is a better option?

perhaps we should consciously make the effort to not penalize and instead praise them when they do tell the truth... i mean all too often our first reaction to an unpleasant or painful truth is getting upset and lashing out..

and modeling is always the right way to go... that means admitting to them when we make a mistake and having the courage to confess the truth... 

but perhaps for toddler Dylan, we can start with stories of "cry wolf" and "pinocchio"??

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