Wednesday, March 13

3. Dylan needs to see us light up..

certainly not a cigarette!

but our faces... a slow smile widening with every second the moment he walks in after school. or when we walk in after work...

dylan, without a doubt, has been lighting up my face... even when he is waking me up on the one day i dont have to wake up early... he has a way of brightening my moments now... but i do find it a little hard to imagine this still happening 7 years down the road or *gulp* 14 years down the road...

perhaps, that's why this reminder is here.. it has to happen no matter what. we have to consciously make it happen no matter what. bad work day. hectic crazy day. saddest news received day. no matter the kind of day you had, when you are back home and with your loved ones, they deserve to enjoy the best company you can give and a welcoming smile first thing you step into the house would be the right way to go..

easier said than done? try it anyway!

i believe it will go a long way... towards building trust and bond... and that makes all the difference..

i have to admit.. my heart melts to see his slowly widening smile when he sees me appear... =)

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