Saturday, December 12

A Game I Discovered This Year

Although I do enjoy games but no one beats my brother when it comes to playing games. He has 3 open shelves full of toys and games and I think they are mostly his rather than his kids'! 😂

I was introduced to many new board and card games by him. Catan was one I unexpectedly won the first time I played with him and his friends. Rat-a-tat-cat is one I enjoyed so much, I "stole" it from him, laminated and all! 😝

This year, he discovered some local games and we played as a family (including my parents and the kids!) after Phase 2 started. It is called the Kopi King. It is very similar to Snap but with a distinctly local flavor and even more shouting. 😄 

Anyone who had ever ordered a drink with a waistpouch-clad uncle or auntie and had your order shouted across the Kopitiam (or experienced something similar even if it was not your drink) will find this game quite nostalgic. You also get to learn what actually goes into each type of beverage found at an extremely comprehensive Kopitiam. There are quite some drinks I have never even heard of in my years as a Singaporean. 

Case in point - bandung dinosaur. And amazingly, we saw it readily available at a food center not long after. Dylan was so excited pointing it out to me and we just had to give it a try. So it is not only a fun and exciting game, it brings the family closer together too!

Of course, I have to mention I became the ultimate Kopi King earning the most with my speed, agility and sharp eyes during that game we played. Muahahahaha!

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