Monday, December 21

One Strength About Myself

The first thing that came to mind is adaptability. 

I used to hate change. I did not take breakups well and often turn depressive when faced with that kind of change. That kind of change consists of so many smaller seemingly insignificant but all the more devastating changes. After trying to piece my heart back together one too many times, I decided that I need to learn to embrace change. Thus the name of this blog. 😁

Learnt I did. Sometimes, it really is all about the perspective. With the new (not that new anymore) mindset, I stop seeing change as something negative but something fun and exciting. In fact, I consciously break routine and factor in changes in my life. For example, my response to someone getting a drink for me was "surprise me!" I have become quite adaptable in all sorts of scenarios. 😀 

Being a highly adaptable person is one strength I am really glad I developed. Just look at the havoc that the pandemic had brought to our lives. With these unprecedented challenges, the ones who are suffering the most are those unable or unwilling to adapt. Change truly is the one constant in life, therefore to succeed in life, we must be adaptable to change.


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