Friday, December 4

One recipe I tried during CB

Wow. I tried so many. Probably cooked more during Circuit Breaker than I ever did in the first 40 years of my life. 🤣 Thus all the dishes warrant an album on its own!

The one recipe that I would keep using (which I already re-used once when my parents came over!) would be the Oven Baked Chicken and Rice. I was sold upon reading "completely hands off" 😂 which goes to show what kind of a cook I am. (Read: not much of a cook) 

I was slightly deterred by the onion and garlic required as this was one of the earliest dishes I made and I still had a dislike for both of these aromatics then. But yes, I have come around as long as I am allowed to cook them to death 😝

It is an added bonus to me to be able to cook the rice with the chicken as I do not have a rice cooker! Yes, apparently a shocker to many of my Asian friends. But I generally dislike plain rice so rice cooker 👎 and any type of flavoured rice 👍 

So it really is as easy to make as stated. Both attempts so far had been well-received so will be on the lookout for more of such one pan meal where I can put our new Bosch oven to good use!

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