Friday, February 26

More than raincoats..

Sometimes, I get really amazed how blind we can be to the things happening around us. To be perfectly honest (and guiltily so), the migrant workers in our country had been practically invisible to me for most of my life. I had been better at noticing the development in a construction site, the improvements to estate facilities, the beautification of a garden, the clearance of garbage and litter without once sparing a thought for the people who made those things happen. 


It takes a special person to notice that some in our society have become forgotten and in need of a voice and actually do something about it. Dipa Swaminathan is truly an inspiration and I have been following up on the blossoming of ItsRainingRaincoats (IRR). There is no denying the incredible work she and her team have been putting in to make a difference to the lives of our migrant brothers and sisters. So many times, reading the stories and viewing the photos of how lives have been positively impacted brought a tear to my eye and a lump in my throat.

Thus, I literally jumped at the opportunity to contribute in a way I can when the MADWISH call for teachers came to my notice. Since the Circuit Breaker in April 2020, I have been teaching English to a migrant worker via Whatsapp. More than just imparting knowledge, our interaction has led to a friendship which I would never have had if not for this programme.

More recently, the brainchild of one IRR volunteer came to fruition and Singaporeans can now (till 8th March 2021) donate their SingapoReDiscovers vouchers and sponsor a migrant worker to similarly enjoy our beautiful country! Although guiding steps are provided, the process might still be overwhelming for some - if so, ask me! More than willing to help.. :)

Today being the final (fifteenth) day of CNY (元宵节快乐!), another simple way to show care for our migrant workers is to donate your unopened and unexpired goodies to them. As the Chinese would say, 吃在嘴裡甜在心裡. Let's bring a taste of sweetness (regardless the goodie you are donating) to the lives of our migrant friends!

There really is so much more that we can do. If you like to contribute in other ways, check here for all their current campaigns. These tiny actions may seem insignificant, but the message they send out to not just the migrant workers but all Singaporeans in general is that we can make a positive difference. An individual effort may be small but each of us is capable of showing compassion. When one person sows that seed of loving-kindness, amazing things happen. Look what this Kampong Kaki is doing!

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