Wednesday, December 9

One Thing I Miss From Pre-Covid Days...

... is definitely traveling. 

Ever since I began earning my own money, I don't think I have ever stayed in the same country for more than 365 days at a stretch. Even a day trip out hiking in nearby Malaysia is able to satisfy that wanderlust in me. 

Today marks exactly 11 months since I last traveled. That was quite the adventure with awesome discoveries in my underwater dives and a volcano eruption too! Just realized I have not even crossed the sea to Sentosa this past 330 days...

We had plans to visit Axel's family in April and other diving trips but of course all of that went "poof" when Covid happened. Even traveling next April seems highly unlikely.. we have not met his family since becoming husband and wife! 

Just keeping the fingers crossed that the wanderlust need not be suppressed that long anymore. 

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