Sunday, December 27

Something I Want To Say To Someone

Events such as these really made me  appreciate and cherish those around me. When I chanced upon posts that remind one to seize the day rather than living with regrets, they really spurred me into action. I don't believe in waiting anymore. With the exception of my ex-es, specifically those I'm not in contact with anymore. 

I'm very fortunate to still be on really good terms with some of my ex-es. But there are a few that I have lost touch with and still think of. Once, after reading the following quote, I really wanted to reach out to someone who had been in my thoughts but eventually decided against. 

Why? To borrow the words of John Green, my thoughts then were like stars I couldn't fathom into constellations and without a valid reason to reach out, it felt unfair to do so and disrupt an otherwise acceptable status quo.

However, with every death and loss i experienced, this became a conflict I rehashed again and again. I wish there is a simpler (easier? cleaner?) way of reaching out. 

Perhaps this blog post is the compromise my heart will settle for. 

"Hey you, you are in my thoughts and I hope you are well. Wishing nothing but the best for you. YAIMH."

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