Wednesday, December 23

Something Nice Someone Did For Me

This happened just last week. 

My originally good day just turned sour along with the weather. Thus my mood was about as dark as the skies as I made my way to an appointment with someone whom I have never met. 

As it had started raining and I was without an umbrella, I texted H to inform that I would be late as I was hoping the rain would ease a little before I make my way to her house. 

She replied and offered to fetch me from the bus stop?! I don't think I would have thought of doing that for someone I do not know. I had already resigned myself to being late (and drenched) for the following appointment that this unexpected kind offer took me completely by surprise. 

As the plan was to find her to collect an item, I suggested that it would be simpler if she could just bring the item to me instead. Again she totally need not do this favor for me but she agreed. I waited patiently and dry in the shelter, mood significantly improved. 

When she arrived to meet me, not only did she bring said item, she brought an extra umbrella just for me to keep me dry for the rest of the day! I was so shocked and touched that I gave her a hug! What a beautiful soul! And my day was all good again.. 🤩

When I got home, I immediately wrote and sent her a Christmas card to express my heartfelt gratitude. Yesterday, she received it. 🥰

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