Thursday, December 31

Year End Report Card

Last day of 2020. 

I am very proud to say that I have managed to blog every single day this entire month completing Mothership's 31 Day Reflection Challenge. Considering that I started this blog back in 2012, the total number of posts I put up this year alone (11 for once every month + 31 in the final month) exceeded the total number of posts I put up in previous years. πŸ™„ Anyway, today's topic is "Free Space" so I had been cracking my brain for a few hours and finally decided that a report card is in order!

So yeah, I only gave myself an overall B grade. I really wanted to give myself an A for frequency this year but once a month blog really doesn't cut it and this December I was relying on external help. Hope to up the game to at least twice a month next year. For points 2 to 4, I think I had tried my best. Every post has at least an image or video. Although to be able to blog everyday, I resorted to blogging from my phone rather than sitting in front of the computer which resulted in rather many ultra short posts and not being able to change the ugly hard-to-read default font.

On value-addedness and usefulness, it is really difficult for me to say. I naturally make it a point to blog about things I would think will value-add and be useful but that really depends on who is reading it, isn't it? Can I get some feedback on this please?!?! Leave me a comment or you can complete a report card for me too!

Wednesday, December 30

What I'm Grateful For

Since I have turned 40 this year...

  1. High threadcount bedsheets
  2. Books that resonate
  3. A hot shower
  4. Passion projects
  5. Dishwasher
  6. ClassPass
  7. Nature and its wonders
  8. Hugs
  9. Smiles
  10. Songs by Adele, Sam Smith and Ed Sheeran
  11. Solo walks
  12. Random acts of kindness
  13. Helpers
  14. Art and museums
  15. Meals with family and friends
  16. A cool breeze
  17. Deep conversations 
  18. Filtered water at the turn of the tap
  19. Opportunities to volunteer
  20. Slippers! 
  21. Drivers who give way to pedestrians and cyclists
  22. Ice cold beer 
  23. Getting a dose of vitamin D in the sun
  24. Potato chips
  25. Perfectly ripe avocados
  26. Ashtanga yoga
  27. Chai latte 
  28. Art Don't Throw and Books Don't Throw
  29. Clouds
  30. Nudibranches
  31. DIY crafts
  32. Public transport
  33. Photography
  34. Umbrellas 
  35. Canva and PhotoGrid
  36. Calligraphy (Chinese, Brush and Faux!)
  37. Vegetarian eateries
  38. Hawker centres
  39. Pets
  40. Fragrance that lingers after laundry day

Tuesday, December 29

One Wish I Have

 Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu

May all beings be happy 
and may my thoughts, words, actions contribute to that happiness.


Monday, December 28

A Realistic Goal For Next Year

One routine I attempted to create this year (and failed miserably) was to have a weekly digital detox day. 

I already know I'm way too addicted to my phone, Facebook, as well as games and really wanted to give myself a fixed break to rest the eyes and mind. 

However, to have a full digital detox day one a week had been really hard if not impossible given my irregular work schedule. 😢

Since we are looking at realistic.... I think I need to adjust this goal to something less frequent and more achievable: a half digital detox day every fortnight! 

Wish me luck 🀞 or fortitude?!

Sunday, December 27

Something I Want To Say To Someone

Events such as these really made me  appreciate and cherish those around me. When I chanced upon posts that remind one to seize the day rather than living with regrets, they really spurred me into action. I don't believe in waiting anymore. With the exception of my ex-es, specifically those I'm not in contact with anymore. 

I'm very fortunate to still be on really good terms with some of my ex-es. But there are a few that I have lost touch with and still think of. Once, after reading the following quote, I really wanted to reach out to someone who had been in my thoughts but eventually decided against. 

Why? To borrow the words of John Green, my thoughts then were like stars I couldn't fathom into constellations and without a valid reason to reach out, it felt unfair to do so and disrupt an otherwise acceptable status quo.

However, with every death and loss i experienced, this became a conflict I rehashed again and again. I wish there is a simpler (easier? cleaner?) way of reaching out. 

Perhaps this blog post is the compromise my heart will settle for. 

"Hey you, you are in my thoughts and I hope you are well. Wishing nothing but the best for you. YAIMH."

Saturday, December 26

Friday, December 25

How Am I Celebrating The Holidays This Year

The plan for today was just to cook, oops I meant prepare a dinner for my parents. Not much of a celebration but have never really celebrated Christmas anyway..

Well, as mentioned previously, I'm not much of a cook so I really "prepared" a dinner, inclusive of a fancy menu. Ha! 

The chips and cookies were store-bought, and parents were not interested in them at all. Katsudon and baby ribs were from Treedots and I only needed to follow instructions to get them ready. Salmon soup and stollen were both made by Axel last week. I only added tofu to the soup. 

So the only things I really cooked were the vegetable dish and rice. 🀣🀣 I really just put things together and made everything presentable and better! Might I add that the final touch of Hello Kitty beverage in pretty glasses round this up perfectly! 

Thursday, December 24

A Series That I Started Binge-Watching

Binge-watching is one activity that I consider dangerous and really won't recommend even though it is done in the comfort of your own home. Thus I disallowed myself to even get started on any series, especially when they appeal to me, like The Big Bang Theory. 

I'm quite nerdy and really like physics related topics so just the title itself piqued my interest but as explained above, I only watched my first episode of TBBT when most of them had already coupled up! But still I refused to start on the series and only enjoy snippets that happened to be on my feed.

Until my brother let me use his Netflix account.... πŸ‘‰πŸ‘ˆ

It has become more dangerous than ever because you only need to start watching one and the subsequent episodes just continuously auto-play giving you no chance of even a toilet break! I don't even realize when I'm on the next season! 

Only on season 3 right now... but really enjoying it and laughing out loud with the hubby! Having taught people with autism, I often can anticipate Sheldon's responses correctly which make it even more delightful and entertaining. Can't wait to finally know how Amy captured his heart. 

Wednesday, December 23

Something Nice Someone Did For Me

This happened just last week. 

My originally good day just turned sour along with the weather. Thus my mood was about as dark as the skies as I made my way to an appointment with someone whom I have never met. 

As it had started raining and I was without an umbrella, I texted H to inform that I would be late as I was hoping the rain would ease a little before I make my way to her house. 

She replied and offered to fetch me from the bus stop?! I don't think I would have thought of doing that for someone I do not know. I had already resigned myself to being late (and drenched) for the following appointment that this unexpected kind offer took me completely by surprise. 

As the plan was to find her to collect an item, I suggested that it would be simpler if she could just bring the item to me instead. Again she totally need not do this favor for me but she agreed. I waited patiently and dry in the shelter, mood significantly improved. 

When she arrived to meet me, not only did she bring said item, she brought an extra umbrella just for me to keep me dry for the rest of the day! I was so shocked and touched that I gave her a hug! What a beautiful soul! And my day was all good again.. 🀩

When I got home, I immediately wrote and sent her a Christmas card to express my heartfelt gratitude. Yesterday, she received it. πŸ₯°

Tuesday, December 22

Something Nice That I Did For Others

This reminded me of a Facebook post I chanced upon in November. I really like it because I want to be that kind of a force of goodness. 
I have done all the examples listed with just two exceptions. I don't have the habit of tipping especially since it is uncommon here in Singapore. But I definitely can be more generous with tip boxes I come across.. though I often made it a point to publicly compliment good service I received. Should use this new Service. I Like. initiative more! 

The other one of waving at police just feels weird if I'm by myself! The last time when I was out cycling with the kiddos, I encouraged them to say hi to some NParks officers at work. One waved back but did not answer their question of what they were doing on a boat in a lake. 🀣

Everything else has pretty much become second nature to me. Holding doors, giving way, greeting and smiling at others, sharing food and being patient are really not that difficult at all. Oftentimes, I find these little acts of kindness bring about interesting interactions that I would otherwise not enjoy.

Some I absolutely love and can't resist doing. Entertaining babies? I once had a staring competition with one. More than thumbs-up, I had also winked and stuck my tongue out at kids on a regular basis. 😜

Finally, buying coffee for a stranger is exactly what Suspended Coffee, the page where I saw this post, is all about. In Singapore, we had the Chope Food for Needy (didn't realize it was that long ago! ) and more recently the Belanja Eat which I attempted to start in a coffeeshop near me but the hawkers were not keen. πŸ˜” Well, I'm always on the lookout for opportunities to treat another πŸ™‚

Hope this inspires you to act in the name of kindness too 😍

Monday, December 21

One Strength About Myself

The first thing that came to mind is adaptability. 

I used to hate change. I did not take breakups well and often turn depressive when faced with that kind of change. That kind of change consists of so many smaller seemingly insignificant but all the more devastating changes. After trying to piece my heart back together one too many times, I decided that I need to learn to embrace change. Thus the name of this blog. 😁

Learnt I did. Sometimes, it really is all about the perspective. With the new (not that new anymore) mindset, I stop seeing change as something negative but something fun and exciting. In fact, I consciously break routine and factor in changes in my life. For example, my response to someone getting a drink for me was "surprise me!" I have become quite adaptable in all sorts of scenarios. πŸ˜€ 

Being a highly adaptable person is one strength I am really glad I developed. Just look at the havoc that the pandemic had brought to our lives. With these unprecedented challenges, the ones who are suffering the most are those unable or unwilling to adapt. Change truly is the one constant in life, therefore to succeed in life, we must be adaptable to change.


Sunday, December 20

One Weakness About Myself

I do not like conflicts. The very thought of disagreeing with someone is uncomfortable for me. It is why I am often very silent in social settings. It isn't that I have no opinion but that I do not wish to share my opposing view which I believe will (i) lead to an argument, (ii) result in a awkward situation, (iii) damage a relationship, (iv) or all of the above. I got so used to keeping my thoughts to myself it is no wonder that my comments in report books were often "quiet and pleasant disposition".

But avoiding conflicts is definitely a weakness of mine. Another thing I remember from my growing up years was my netball coach telling me that I need to be more assertive. It goes hand in hand with one's level of self-confidence. When you easily lose possession of the ball on court, you become less confident of getting it back. It is a vicious cycle that took me a long time to break out of.

At least now that I am aware of it, I am working on it. I still do not like conflicts but avoiding them is no longer my first option now. I do, however, take a lot of time and consideration before I actually decide on my next step when facing a conflict. Work in progress here. 

Saturday, December 19

Something I Would Tell Myself From The Beginning of 2020

I started a brand new bullet journal at the start of this year. One of its first pages was my "word of the year". The word of the year helps set one's intention for the year which I suppose will fit right in with today's reflection. 

Although that one word is very prominent, as indicated on the top left hand corner, I wanted to:
 - feel magical
 - be magical
 - stay magical
 - make all things magical
When I was choosing the word, I realized that I did not want anything too rigid but something that could apply to everything. 

The fact that I'm a Harry Potter fan probably played a part too. Sometimes I feel I'm too logical and should instead have a little more faith but "faith" still does not quite resonate with me. I also was inspired by Einstein's quote to choose to see everything as a miracle except I prefer everything to be magical rather than miraculous. 

So there it is. And I think the word surfaced quite dramatically in January (see here). However, after the pandemic reared its ugly head, I had sort of forgotten about it.... Shall keep it in the forefront of my mind now for the remainder of December. After all, it is almost Christmas. 

Friday, December 18

Something I Cried Over

Deaths almost always leave a lump in my throat. 

In July this year, I received news of 2 deaths in a span of a week. Both were unexpected and though neither was family, I was quite cut up to hear the news.

One was the guru I encountered during my yoga retreat to India in 2018. We were still corresponding via snail mail last year and I was wondering about the delay in his response to my last card.. Although we only spent a couple of hours a day together during that short trip, he had really left an impression on me and I was looking forward to learning more from him...

The other was an ex-colleague who I had worked quite closely with. Firstly, she was the mother hen for all new teachers and really took good care of us newbies to the school. Then we worked as co-teachers for a class and I witnessed how caring and selfless she was as a teacher. Before I left school, she became a fellow teacher-in-charge for the CCA I was in charge of and I learnt a different (and sporty) side of her from all the afternoons we spent together. I even had the honor of her presence during my wedding dinner.

Tears threatening again as I type. As a logical person, I understand the fact that all life ends in death and it is inevitable but there is no way my brain could convince the heart to stop aching. Especially for Mrs Ho whose life seemed so unfairly taken away. My last text to her was for her birthday and really wishing for her the retirement that she was looking forward to.. 

Both Mrs Ho and Mohanji were some of the nicest and kindest persons I know and for days after hearing the news, it felt impossible to reconcile my expectation with the reality. On many occasions, I found that I had drifted off in a daze, recalling the interactions I had with them and realizing I would never be able to do the same anymore.

Thankfully, even with the Covid situation, I was able to pay my respect to Mrs Ho in person and that ritual with the opportunity to speak to her family gave me some closure. Crying was a release. Grieve.

Death is unavoidable and that certainty is a good constant reminder to cherish the now. Tomorrow is not guaranteed, say what needs to be said and do what your heart wants done. Give thanks and love.

Thursday, December 17

Something I Laughed Over

Have you heard of Mark Rober? If you have not, please check out his YouTube channel! 

I first chanced upon him on Facebook, specifically his video on a squirrel ninja obstacle course in May during Circuitbreaker. It was fun, ingenious and totally appealed to the Physics teacher in me. But that was not something that I would "laugh over", more that it was incredibly cute and enjoyable though it also made me a little envious of the space available to him during lockdown.

However, as I browsed his long list of videos, I discovered this gem of a bomb which really made me laughed out loud. A bit 幸灾乐η₯Έ but you got to admit those guys totally deserved it. 🀣🀣🀣 and he had upgraded his super sophisticated device twice with new videos too. Please enjoy! 

Wednesday, December 16

New Clothes I Bought

My total expenditure on clothing this year comes to a grand total of SGD 77.90. No kidding. Just checked my MoneyLover app. Unless masks fall under the category of clothing then maybe a little closer to a hundred bucks. 

Understanding the reality of fast fashion and waste, I really think twice and even thrice about buying new clothes. Seventy bucks were spent at Fashion Pulpit once in January to look for CNY attires and recently in November to find a dress that fit a wedding theme. The remaining dollars was the balance cost of purchasing some Hello Kitty x Purpur collaboration pieces after using some almost expiring vouchers. 

I never feel a lack of clothes to wear (not that we head out much this year). It also helps that friends know my thoughts on fashion and bless me with lovely hand-me- downs which I would totally consider as "new" clothes but well I didn't buy them. Technically, clothes I found at the Fashion Pulpit aren't exactly bought either as I swapped in pieces that no longer spark joy but I did pay some monies...

Anyway, allow me to present some of the new clothes I "bought" this year:

Found "the" dress with a perfect fit at Fashion Pulpit for a friend's pastel color theme wedding. 
Hard to resist an authentic and affordable collaboration. Was wishing I get to wear this in some cold country....
Hello Kitty is not so obvious but she is there with the flowers! But got a off-shoulder top of the same print instead. 
Both the cat print sleeveless top and silver shorts are from Fashion Pulpit. 
A very good quality (read: heavy) dress found at Fashion Pulpit which I wore on CNY.

Tuesday, December 15

A New Place I Went To This Year

Well, this new place is the only new place I visited this year. Then again, I really should be counting my blessings that I even got to travel and dive this year at all! 

I love diving and diving in a new site at least once a year is a must for me. Hopefully it will still be possible as Phase 3 is in sight and *cross fingers* travel restrictions will ease gradually. 

Anilao is a municipality in the province of Iloilo in Philippines. It is also a Marine Protected Sanctuary well-known for muck diving and therefore great for underwater macro photography. 

The hubby is better skilled at underwater photography but I absolutely love looking for tiny critters especially nudibranchs! So needless to say, I was really excited about this dive trip. 🀩

We were well rewarded throughout the entire trip. Besides numerous nudibranchs in a crazy array of shapes and colors, we also spotted giant frogfishes, minuscule pygmy seahorses, and the rare blue-ringed octopus. During our final dive, we even experienced the unexpected eruption of Taal Volcano

Hard to imagine all these happened less than a year ago. 😳 Definitely a very thrilling and worthwhile new place to go! 

Monday, December 14

A Tiktok Trend I Like

Disclaimer: I do not have Tiktok and still have not figured it out yet. 

I had to Google for Tiktok trends and only a few look remotely familiar and nothing really stood out or caught my attention. 

If I have to choose a trend that I like, the #selfcare hashtag resonates with me. Can't stress enough the importance of mental health awareness. 

There is one Tiktok related news (or is it a trend?) that made me so happy reading it that I shared it on Facebook. This really is using the platform for good. So glad Mr Derlin's enthusiasm did not go unnoticed and he totally deserved that tip! 

More such stories please.... Faith in humanity renewed! 

Sunday, December 13

Who Made This Year More Bearable

Actually other than various minor inconveniences, I wouldn't categorize the year to be unbearable. But I am so thankful that the one person who I was stuck with during circuit breaker is this one. 

He is my smartie who is also playful yet giving. 

It is so true that when you marry the right one, everyday can be Valentine's Day. Even when confined within four walls. 

So true that it is the little things that make the biggest difference, like bringing me my hot lemon water first thing in the morning, turning on the heater before I get home, and indulging me with our silly winkie routine every single time.  

4 years ago, during a course titled "Growing from Within", I penned down a list of wants and dreams. We were told to be as descriptive and specific as possible. One thing I wrote down was to be able to wake up to the face of a special someone who will bring a smile to my face (I believe I even mentioned luxurious bedsheets and glorious sunlight). The fact that I am in fact living my dream makes everything, anything bearable. 

Saturday, December 12

A Game I Discovered This Year

Although I do enjoy games but no one beats my brother when it comes to playing games. He has 3 open shelves full of toys and games and I think they are mostly his rather than his kids'! πŸ˜‚

I was introduced to many new board and card games by him. Catan was one I unexpectedly won the first time I played with him and his friends. Rat-a-tat-cat is one I enjoyed so much, I "stole" it from him, laminated and all! 😝

This year, he discovered some local games and we played as a family (including my parents and the kids!) after Phase 2 started. It is called the Kopi King. It is very similar to Snap but with a distinctly local flavor and even more shouting. πŸ˜„ 

Anyone who had ever ordered a drink with a waistpouch-clad uncle or auntie and had your order shouted across the Kopitiam (or experienced something similar even if it was not your drink) will find this game quite nostalgic. You also get to learn what actually goes into each type of beverage found at an extremely comprehensive Kopitiam. There are quite some drinks I have never even heard of in my years as a Singaporean. 

Case in point - bandung dinosaur. And amazingly, we saw it readily available at a food center not long after. Dylan was so excited pointing it out to me and we just had to give it a try. So it is not only a fun and exciting game, it brings the family closer together too!

Of course, I have to mention I became the ultimate Kopi King earning the most with my speed, agility and sharp eyes during that game we played. Muahahahaha!

Friday, December 11

One Thing I Regret

This is a hard one. My motto in life is to live it with no regrets. Even if I had an unpleasant or undesirable episode, I believe there is always a life lesson to learn from it and thus should not be viewed as a regret. 

But after thinking and really reflecting on it, I regret wasting my time on meaningless activities just because they are easy to do. 

During the circuit breaker when days passed in a blur, despite having a written schedule of an ideal day, I allowed myself to do too many useless things such as playing online games, watching inconsequential videos, scrolling Facebook posts, often way past my designated bedtime. 

Although John Lennon said, "Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted," deep in my heart I know I could have used all that time more effectively, yielding better benefits, or at the very least, develop healthier sleep habits! 

I obviously lack discipline. I know I can do better. And I will. 

Thursday, December 10

One Thing I Accomplished This Year

I wish I could say that I have reached Deutsch level A1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) because it was my plan to do so by the end of this year. Plan fell through. 😢

This thing that I did complete really should have been done years ago since it was started in 2012. Finally, after countless man-hours, sore fingers and 2 broken needles... I managed to finish it, frame it and flaunt it at my parents' new home! 

It is exactly the kind of housewarming gift I want them to have πŸ₯° An impressive one-meter long cross stitch of an idiom in gorgeous calligraphy saying when one's family is in harmony, all will be good. 
I really believe so. 

Wednesday, December 9

One Thing I Miss From Pre-Covid Days...

... is definitely traveling. 

Ever since I began earning my own money, I don't think I have ever stayed in the same country for more than 365 days at a stretch. Even a day trip out hiking in nearby Malaysia is able to satisfy that wanderlust in me. 

Today marks exactly 11 months since I last traveled. That was quite the adventure with awesome discoveries in my underwater dives and a volcano eruption too! Just realized I have not even crossed the sea to Sentosa this past 330 days...

We had plans to visit Axel's family in April and other diving trips but of course all of that went "poof" when Covid happened. Even traveling next April seems highly unlikely.. we have not met his family since becoming husband and wife! 

Just keeping the fingers crossed that the wanderlust need not be suppressed that long anymore. 

Tuesday, December 8

The first group I met when Phase 2 started

.. is my family! 

Pre-Covid days we meet at least once a week for a family meal as I do not stay as close to them as I used to.. the long period of absence really made the heart grow fonder even though we managed a few sessions of video calls to stay in touch...

It was wonderful to be able to get together again and just in time to celebrate Father's Day too! Ordered two special "cakes" for the occasion so we had great food and amazing company! 

Family is really everything.
"You go through life wondering what is it all about but at the end of the day, it's all about family. " ~Rod Stewart~

Monday, December 7

My Favorite Mask

Huge Hello Kitty fan here. So when I searched for reusable masks to buy the search phrase was "hello kitty reusable masks" As I am pretty particular about the quality and standard of the hello kitty products I purchase, it actually took me some time to find designs I deem acceptable. This one is one of only two designs I ultimately found. The only drawback is that it doesn't come with filter but that makes it super breathable and comfortable! I bought the last two from the Carousell seller and gifted the second one to a fellow Hello Kitty lover. 😍

Saturday, December 5

One photo I took during CB


very appropriate isn't it? a masked face to represent the CB period. But but but I took this selfie because it is a Hello Kitty mask!! So much more breathable than the government issued ones and ten times more aesthically pleasing 😍

PS: couldn't resist including a second photo while reviewing my album. check out this odd-shaped egg! Took a photo (and ate the egg) but forgot about posting it so ta-da! Not all eggs are egg-shaped.

Friday, December 4

One recipe I tried during CB

Wow. I tried so many. Probably cooked more during Circuit Breaker than I ever did in the first 40 years of my life. 🀣 Thus all the dishes warrant an album on its own!

The one recipe that I would keep using (which I already re-used once when my parents came over!) would be the Oven Baked Chicken and Rice. I was sold upon reading "completely hands off" πŸ˜‚ which goes to show what kind of a cook I am. (Read: not much of a cook) 

I was slightly deterred by the onion and garlic required as this was one of the earliest dishes I made and I still had a dislike for both of these aromatics then. But yes, I have come around as long as I am allowed to cook them to death 😝

It is an added bonus to me to be able to cook the rice with the chicken as I do not have a rice cooker! Yes, apparently a shocker to many of my Asian friends. But I generally dislike plain rice so rice cooker πŸ‘Ž and any type of flavoured rice πŸ‘ 

So it really is as easy to make as stated. Both attempts so far had been well-received so will be on the lookout for more of such one pan meal where I can put our new Bosch oven to good use!

Thursday, December 3

A new song I discovered

I heard this one while in a Grab... moved me enough for me to Soundhound it (thank god for the history tab!) and imagine my surprise to find out the singer is Harry Styles.. 

Didn't recognise it (why should I since I am not even a fan when he was part of One Direction) and certainly didn't expect to be touched by his songs.. 

The song is arresting. Coupled with the music video, it is wow.


What am I now? What am I now?
What if I'm someone I don't want around?
I'm falling again, I'm falling again, I'm falling
What if I'm down?
What if I'm out?
What if I'm someone you won't talk about?
I'm falling again, I'm falling again, I'm falling

Wednesday, December 2

A new friend I made..

He is ...

Calm - just like his idol with the famous saying of "be water, my friend"

Harmonious which I found out after hearing him describe a work situation where I would have put my foot down

Ethical - The one time we met up for lunch, it was a vegetarian meal. I am a part-time vegetarian mainly for environmental reasons whereas he is a full-time vegetarian because he cares about all life.

Expert in grooming pets!

Hardworking, diligent and appreciative which makes my interactions with him so delightful.

Old and wise beyond his years. He is much younger than me but I can sense that old soul within him when we have some pretty serious conversations.

Wonderful as a student of mine under It's Raining Raincoats MADWISH initiative!

Tuesday, December 1

The Best Thing That Happened to Me This Year

It has to be discovering the SG Assist online platform. What a fabulous idea! 

I am already a SG Cares volunteer since 2010 and in many ways the two platforms are similar. But what spurred me to register for SG Assist was the fact that help can be rendered to others in the vicinity in real time

It was around the time that Dorscon Orange was announced when I chanced upon it on Facebook. During that time, returning residents were put on Stay Home Notice and close contacts identified via contact tracing were put on Leave of Absence. My own brother was under LOA for a period of time and honestly I did not think too much about it then. 

However, not everyone has the fortune of staying with someone else to keep the household running while one is unable to even step out of the house. There are people who have neither family nor friends nearby  to assist them in their daily needs such as food or grocery. The beauty of SG Assist is that you can easily connect to someone who can help you do just that! θΏœδΊ²δΈε¦‚θΏ‘ι‚»ε•Š!

Naturally I was concerned about the risks of getting infected but I am sort of young-ish and pretty healthy and I believe that things happen for a reason so if I do get infected even with all the precautions taken then so be it! I just cannot not do something when I am fully able to do it. Moreover, being a relatively new resident of Bukit Panjang, I thought this might be a good way to familiarise myself with this estate.

Although there could be multiple new assist requests in a day, I actually never got to help anyone on SHN or LOA. In fact, requests were accepted by other volunteers so quickly that I was often greeted with an empty request list instead! Good to know that Singapore is not short of helpers. πŸ˜ƒ

Health vector created by pikisuperstar -

It was only in July when I responded to my first SG Assist request and had since helped the same Senior Activity Centre with similar requests to accompany elderly to their medical appointments. So I would turn up at the nearby centre to meet the elderly, take the taxi with him to the hospital, navigate our way to the right clinic for registration, wait with him in the holding area and hail a taxi to return to the centre with him. 

Usually, the type of volunteer roles I take up involve either sports or children and I tend to avoid elderly because I barely speak Hokkien and I generally feel awkward around them. But I am so thankful for this precious opportunity to slow down and spend time with each of the pioneers I met. Not only did I get to hear incredible stories (one had a long career in the army), I learn that aging is not necessarily something to fear.

It may appear that the elderly were dependent on me during these trips but I truly think that I was the one who gained the most out of our interactions. As with every volunteer activity, it always ends with me in a state of joy and having a new appreciation for being alive. The sense of admiration from the taxi uncles and nurses who realised I have no relation to the elderly is a super morale booster too!

So the best thing that happened to me the year I turned 40 was signing myself up for SG Assist which led me to these kindly old souls who taught me that growing old is okay.